Chapter Twenty-One

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Thank you guys so so so much for voting, commenting and just reading this story! I really appreciate it! I would call out you amazing people but there are too many of you! So, yeah, thanks again, and I hope you enjoy!

And if you couldn't tell, I don't update on weekends, sorry

~Michael's POV~

I quickly rushed out of the bathroom, my tears drying up as I headed to the near by vending machine. I still felt the pain in my leg, but I needed to do this. My hands were shaking as I grabbed a couple dollars, sliding them in the vending machine slot. I tried to focus on my breathing as I pressed the two buttons, making the bottle fall to the bottom.

I put my hand in the slot and twisted the lid open, quickly taking a sip of the Mountain Dew. I waited and waited for the pain, to start screaming, but nothing happened. I felt normal, so I tried again, taking another sip. Nothing. I was really confused until I felt a shock go through my back, making me turn around.

I'm glad you finally came to your senses I saw my Squip, or, Jared standing their, his arms crossed with a devious smile on his face. I wasn't even shocked or worried, I knew I would eventually bring him back.

Could you maybe get rid of my leg pain first? I thought, pretending that I was still using the vending machine so that I didn't look suspicious to others.

Jared nodded and made a hand gesture towards my leg, making my leg feel as sudden shock before the pain from leg left and since it wasn't a huge injury, I was able to move it just fine. I smiled and I walked back to the bathroom so that I could wash my face.

So, not that I'm complaining, but what exactly did you want me back for? I thought you said— He turned into me for a moment, which I didn't even know what possible, and started to talk in a high pitch voice —'I'm with Jeremy now and it was without your help'! He chuckled before going returning back to his previous form of Jared.

"First off, that was weird, never do that again. Second, that is not how I talk and third, I need help with my parents" I was able to speak instead of think since the bathrooms was empty. I set the Mountain Dew on the sink counter and turned the tap, splashing some water in my face.

Well, that's easy, go to his place. If your mom is gone, I bet you all he wants to talk to you about is that. After all, he kicked you out of his house before

My heart sunk as I remembered my past, turning off the tap before speaking up. "But last time he... hurt me, he seemed to enjoy it"

Trust me, there's a 67% chance that I'm right and, if you didn't know, that's more than half

"Yeah, 'course I know that's more then half, but that's still not that high! You sure it'll benefit me?" I said, fiddling with my fingers as I heard him groan.

For the last time, yes! And even if this goes wrong, Jeremy will give you sympathy and everyone will treat you better since they feel bad for you! You'll get so much attention!

"I'm not looking for attention, I'm looking for a happy family! A family that isn't fighting all the time, a family that respects me for who I am! I love Jeremey with all my heart and I'm glad I have him to support me, but I want my family to love me for who I am! Everybody seems to have someone in their family that cares, Jeremy even has his dad now!" I said, increasing my voice as I went before realizing that I had been crying while speaking "So why can't I?"

You realize who your talking to? I don't feel things, I just try to help you improve your life. So don't expect me to go up to you and say 'Everything will turn out okay!' because your parents are always going to stay that way, that's why you need me. They'll never love you, with or without me.

Those words really stung, I tried to stop the waterworks but it was useless, the tears kept on falling.

But with me, you'll find people to replace them. With me, you might have a chance to fix your broken family. With me, you could live a better and happier life. You just need to listen to me, if anybody tells you to get rid of me, don't. Got it?

I hesitated to answer, was I really going to trust them? Jeremy's Squip tried to take over the school, would mine?

Michael, I'm in you brain, I can hear your thoughts. I'm not plotting anything. I'll ask again, got it?

I nodded slowly. "Got it"

Good. Now, let's get back before they get too suspicious.

I grabbed the Mountain Dew from the counter and stared to head out when I felt a shock in my body. "Hey! What was that for?"

For being so dumb as to take the Mountain Dew with you! Leave it here so they don't think that anything happened

I put the Mountain Dew back on the counter and headed outside again, this time without a shock. I was ready to take on the day, with the Squips help, I would stay with Jeremy, I would fix my family, I would get people to care. That smile that I always wore on my face?

It could finally be real.

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