What's A Villain To A Cop?

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The hell I get myself into this time?

"Come on Harv!!! Move that ass!!"

I felt the whiskey roll out of the flask and onto my lips. That ditzy broad had no clue what she was doing outside that vault. She pressed her ear to the locks, fidgeting with the tumblers. I took a step forward as she giggled. A series of clanks echoed around the inner room. I kneeled down beside, her, staring at the almost white pigtails that brushed her shoulders.

"Yahtzee!!!" she screamed, rolling the handle to the left. I watched it spin while she stood, brushing the dirt of her. Of the red and black leather that covered those thighs. Off the bare mid section of her back and front. I cleared my throat as she turned around. Shit. Had I been staring?

"See something ya like, bacon boy?"

God, that squeak in her accent made he take another swig. Harvey Bullock, what the hell are you doing? I shook my head, giving her some generic excuse as I grabbed the walkie talkie on my hip. I pressed the button, listening to a brief piece of static.

"HARVEY!!!!!" That green haired son of a bitch, him and his bitch.

"We got it-she got it open. I get you what's inside, you let Nora go, right?"

He was laughing, as was the girl, skipping into the wide open vault. Jim would have my badge if he knew I was helping the Joker and Harley. He didn't understand. Joker and Harley had taken my daughter from prom. Fucking PROM!! Who does that? Yet there they were, waiting outside that night, Harley dressed up like any normal woman, or girl, Joker hiding in the back. Offering her a ride because her friends had left. I was angry at first that she hadn't called me first. I couldn't stay angry. Not once I knew the importance of just what I was dealing with. The Joker, was the worst thing we'd ever come across. Not many had caught him. The ones who did, well, too bad they couldn't tell you how bad he really was. We knew not to piss him off. And if he was loose, it was better to clean up, than to prevent it.

"Yeah, Harv. I'll let her go. Safe and sound, just like we talked about."

I watched Harley shoving handfuls of diamonds and jewels into a black bag. What they were really after, was a disc. A program that could erase their history. Allow them to start over. Or rather erase what they'd done.

"Harley, be a good girl and come home. Daddy's just aching to show you something. "

She snickered and tucked the case into the front of her corset, closing up the bag. She skipped over to me, and carefully pressed the tip of her finger to my nose.

"Good boy. You behave till we get home, I might give ya a cookie."

I rolled my eyes and stomped back into the hallway. We exited through a large hole in the wall, into a waiting car. It was unmarked, engine running. She got in on the passenger side, I drove.

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