My Little-Yoonmin-Fluff

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Yoongi was currently waiting in the living room for his little. "Jiminie baby, are you ready?" He yelled after he heard a *thud * "Yes Daddy. Let me just get my paci!" Yoongi sighed getting the littles backpack(inside has Jimin's binky, some candy for when they go to the park after, and his favorite stuffed toy.) Yoongi had told Jimin they were going to the park 

He lied.

"NO!I'M NOT GOING INSIDE!!!" Yoongi sighed. They were going to the dentist for Jimin's appointment. "Please baby, lets just get it over with and then we will go get ice cream.Ok?" Jimin smirked at his daddy. "Can we get a puppy?" Yoongi looked as if he was thinking and told Jimin "No." Jimin's smiled and he pouted "Then i not gowing in." His daddy had enough so he picked Jimin up and put him over his shoulder. Jimin  screamed and he wanted Yoongi to put him down but nothing. 

*2 hours later*

They were sitting down on a bench in the park and Jimin was pouting sitting away from his caregiver. "Jiminie baby please don't be mad at me. It was only for today ok? I'm sorry. " He was expecting for Jimin to turn around and say"I forgive you daddy." while smiling. But Jimin turns to his daddy and cries harder. "Oh baby, I'm sorry!" Yoongi  stands up and walks over to his baby. Jimin looks down but as soon as a tear escapes his eye he feels a warm embrace, the touch he was longing for...Yoongi. He giggles as Yoongi leaves kisses all over Jimin's face. "Ok daddy. i forgive you." he said in between little giggles. Yoongi smiles. Suddenly Jimin pinces his daddy's cheeks and laughs at how funny yoongi looks. 

*At home-9:35*

Yoongi gave Jimin a bath and now he is currently feeding little Jimin his bottle. "Daddy?" Yoongi hums in response."I love you. Very much~" Yoongi smiled and kissed Jimin's forehead. "I love you much more baby boy" as soon as Yoongi said that he felt Jimin kiss his cheek and a few minutes after Yoongi hears Jimin breathing softly on his chest. 

The end

soo tired

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