The Obsession

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Jimins POV

I woke up and saw that there was a pile of clothes on the edge of the bed. I got up and changed out of them. The house was familiar. I walked down to leave but was stopped by a voice... that voice it sounds familiar... i thought.

??? POV

I knew Jimin would leave. Of course he would he doesn't remember me. So i decided to make breakfast in the meantime.

Jimin's POV 

I saw him walk out from somewhere and  walked past me. "Breakfast is ready, Chim!"

 "Breakfast is ready, Chim!"

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He walked to the kitchen. I followed and saw my step-brother. "Hobi Hy-hyung?" He looked up smiling...his smile, still bright as ever, "You remember me? I would think you forgot about me." I ran to hug him. "I-I w-would nev-never for-get about you hyu-hyung" i said breaking down into tears. "I thought you left me, Hyung!" He hugged me tighter." never told me you had a boyfriend Hoseok.."

Yoongi's POV

I went up to the landlord and payed for the rent. I have a roomate we made a deal that we would each pay half the rent and he had paid for half already. So today i had to make ends meet.  Thing is im short one hundred dollars. 

I walked in and saw that Hoseok had woken up.  Hugging someone. " never told me you had a boyfriend." They both looked up and seen me in the doorway. "What? This isn't my boyfriend!!" ~That hair.. looks like cotton candy, wait only Ji- no! its not him. "Oh Yoongi, this is Jimin! My Step-Brother!!" I look at him wide-eyed, Hoseok started laughing as if I hadn't been listening to him talk about this Jimin kid....but I was shocked at something else.

Jimin's POV

I met Yoongi again,  well i wasn't surprised at all Hoseok wouldn't stop talking about his cold and lazy roommate. But i disagree because we haven't really made a real conversation. When i asked him if he wanted to sit by me and the Taekook couple he rejected. I was sad after that because i ,was as usual, third wheeling the whole time. 

So Yoongi was Hobi's roomate? "are you two roommates or boy-?" Hobi kicked me. "Ow!! Hobi! you could have just explained it to me!!"I punched Hobi's arm and we got into a small fight. I lost and fell on my butt(NOT THE JIBOOTY)Hobi got help from Yoongi and tripped me.  Yoongi was just laughing, I'll give you something to laugh about. I walked up to Yoongi and he was a bit taller than me, which of course, he laughed harder. I jumped on him and we fell to the floor."Hobi! Get the Feet!!!" Hobi ran over and held his feet down and i held his hands down. "Say Sorry!!" Yoongi stayed silent but his eyes went wide. "Jimin you may be small but you sure are heavy!"(i love Jimin and its just a story ok?) 

Yoongi POV

Jimin came running at me and i thought he was going to stop and just give me a light punch or death glare. I didn't expect him to jump on me causing me to fall with him.  "Say sorry!!" Jimin  was moving around too much too. "Jimin you may be small but you sure are heavy!" I finally pushed him off after Hobi got a phone call and let my legs go.  I did something I thought i would never do to a boy.

Jimin's POV

As soon as Yoongi pushed me off of him something very unexpected happened...we kissed...

Nah! Not happening....yet ...*Does that wiggly eyebrow thingy*

...He hovered over me. I mean why not he is cute....yah! what am i thinking.

"Yoongi get off me" i say as calmly as i can with a smile on my face. But he stays still. I groan in annoyance. "Please?"

Cliffhanger!! Haha! Thank you for reading.... I stopped writing here on purpose....Until next time people/Kids!! 

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