The Weeks Without You

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After some time Jin realized his little brother was being held by Min Yoongi. "MIN YOONGI!! LET GO OF MY LITTLE BROTHER!!" Yoongi did so and bowed a little before getting back to the front to continue wiping tables.

Jimins POV
After I got a long lecture of how Min Yoongi was bad news I went back to work. "Jimin... I'm just trying to look after you. People can be jerks. And if you fall in love with the wrong person I might not be there when your heart breaks." Jin looked at a paper in his bag, thinking of something.
"I can take care of myself, Hyung"
"That's what you think Minnie"
But that was a few weeks ago. Yoongi and I got closer. Hiding from Jin of course. And after some time Hoseok started ignoring my calls and texts.

-Present day-
Third person POV
Jimin was currently in the halls. The bell rang a few minutes ago.
"Hey, are you okay?" Jimin turned around, immediately turning back around.

Sorry guys! I'm having some problems. And ish a cliffhanger!

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