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The mornings are loud, but once everyone is busy finishing their homework for their teacher Mr. Kim it quiets down. Jimin can't help that he likes to observe. He looks out the window writing down his observations in his black leather notebook. 

*a few minutes later*

 Mr. Kim walks into the now noisy classroom. It's silent. Mr. Kim looks around the room before he starts to speak. His loud and handsome voice making his fan girls squeal. "We have a new student joining us today of right now he is running late and will be joining some of you in your remaining classes. Now please if you can take out your notes we will be starting our lesson on where we left off yesterday..." The class takes out their notebooks but Jimin can help but think about the new student....Is that person a he or she? he or she cute?....i wonder if he or she will like m- His thoughts were cut off by Mr. Kim "Jimin, please pay attention." Jimin nodded and finished taking his notes. As soon as Mr. Kim turned Jimin felt a light tap on his right shoulder and he saw that Taehyung his best friend. "Hey, Chim what's wrong?" Jimin just shook his head and answered convincingly "Nothing Tae it's all good." Tae nodded in understanding and continued to take his notes.

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