The Break (Editing In Progress)

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"Jimin!" the said boy walked out of his room, his hair disheveled and he looked tired. "What is it now, hyung?" he walked to the kitchen.
"We are out of pancake mix and milk. Would you mind going to the store to get some, Ong with some other things?" Jimin nodded and walked back to his room to get ready.

In ten minutes Jimin was headed out to the grocery store with the list of things Jin wrote down for him.

He was walking through the park when he heard a familiar voice. "But he won't find out about us" Jimin looked up from his phone and he spotted him. His face was decorated with an angry yet disappointed look. Angry at the man that was smiling and holding a girl in his arms. And disappointed because the man had the audacity to lie to Jimin, his friend never lied to him.

"Jimin!!" The said boy turned and watched as his brother held money out to him and was breathing hard. As Jin was bending over to catch his breath Jimin grabbed the money. "You forgot-" Jin stood up straight and looked down at Jimin. "What happened to you? Why do you look like that?" Jimin felt a tear slip from his eye down to his chin. "T-Tae...lied t-to me" Jin sighed.

"Maybe he did... Or maybe he couldn't-"
Jimin shook his head "he said he would be with Jungkook! But he's with that girl! I can't remember her name..." Jimin lied he knew her name he just didn't want to say it.
Jin looked behind Jimin.
"So what... He seems to be happy. Let him be mochi"
Jimin glared at his brother "you get your own groceries!"

He started walking away, but somehow Jin convinced Jimin to join himfor a walk.

"Before I forget, Mom called. She wants us to come over for dinner, Jimin. So let's just forget the groceries and head over..." Jimin sighed and looked at Jin "do you have aby idea's as to why she wants to have dinner with us?" His brother shrugged "beats me"

-time skip-

The two brothers were sitting at the dinner table when they would bicker while eating their breakfast and dinner. They were a bit uncomfortable. The atmosphere was tense and nobody said a word.

Jimin looked at his mother and father tired of all the silence "why did you want to see us?" He said rather casually. Jin looked as if he was going to pass out. "We're divorced" His mother said, smiling. Jimin mentally praised the gods. "Oh... That's.. good?" His father glared at the mother "you said we'd wait to tell him." Jimin looked up confused "him?"
Jin coughed "shall we eat?"

Everything came crashing down on Jimin.. He realized what they meant "You knew.. Seokjin and you didn't tell me?!" He stood up, not caring if he had pushed his chair over. "It's not a big deal Jimin. You found out anyways" Jimin scoffed as he stood from the table

"thats not the point!! You knew and didn't say anything-" He glared at his older brother and left the dining room, clearly angry "and it is a big deal to me!! We're brothers!! We tell each other everything!!"

Jin stood up, ticked off "That's bullshit!! You kept a secret from me too! Don't think for one second I wwouldn'tcatch you out and about with Min fucking Yoongi!!" He huffed, staring at his younger brother.

Jimin stood with the front door wide open, looking like he was a deer caught in headlights. Fuck he mentally cursed at himself. "Well then, I suppose we're even..."

He left the house,not wanting to be in the presence of his family any longer. And for the next two weeks he went to school and work from Yoongi's.

I'm alive and I'm sorry for this chapter it must suck. :) also,
I'm sorry for just disappearing.
I've been having problems.
Thanks for waiting patiently. I love you guys💖


Edited 10.3..2023

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