how they ask you out 

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took you to a fancy restaurant
he asked you romantically.
obviously, you said yes.
both of you walked in there single, and walked out a couple



straight up.
she knew you liked her.
she liked you.
she asked and you said yes.



at first, he was nervous.
he was a stuttering, blushing mess.
you giggled because you knew what he was asking.
without him finishing the question, you have him a peck on the cheek and said yes.


beast boy

trying to play it cool.
wore sunglasses.
coolly walked up to her.
"hey, pretty lady, how would you like all of this?"



she painted a picture for you.
because of your love for painting.
it wasn't the best, it was basically a heart with 'will you go out with me?' scribbled inside.
she tried her best, but you happily said yes nonetheless.




S L O W   U P D A T E S

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xoxo - (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ cherri ♥

*5/14/18 - Unedited*

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