how you met

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• during a battle between the Teen Titans and some monster, you ran away from the scene somehow manage to end up in an alleyway.
robin found you
• you realised he was a superhero thanks to his outfit
you two introduce yourselves to eachother



in a library
she sat next to you
you mentally tried to recall her name
you didn't realise she was a mind reader



you were walking out of a pizzeria happily with your pizza
you ran into a half robot, half man, quite literally
you dropped your pizza and he offered to buy you a new one, which you accepted
you introduced yourselves to eachother and you figured out that he was apart of the infamous Teen Titans


beast boy

at an arcade
you didn't have any other tokens to play your favorite arcade game
a green boy inserted his token and started playing
you realised he was a show off



you were at the park, painting a portrait of the sunset
a tall, red haired female stood by your side
she complimented your portrait
you two introduce yourselves to eachother



Umm, so sorry to my old readers, but my preference writing style has drastically changed. I took the ideas from the original chapter and inserted them into shorter versions.

I'm sorry if this doesn't suit your taste of writing, but I'm more or so happy with this instead.

Please vote, comment & follow me if you haven't already!
xoxo - (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ cherri ♥

*4/8/18 - Unedited*

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