Chapter 2

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The next day, Eden was sore.

Everywhere the predator touched her, her body ached.

She dragged herself across the floor to the sink in the corner of her room. Through the rugged mirror, she noticed the fresh bruises upon her body. They took the form of finger marks where Vince roughly grabbed her. Usually, a wolf is strong enough to heal themselves within a matter of minutes depending on how badly they are hurt. But Eden hadn't eaten in days.

Barely able to stand, Eden limped over to the shower - you could hardly call it limping.

She turned the shower tap to hot. The young girl unbuttoned her oversize t-shirt which had been ripped and tattered from last night. She let the shirt fall from her skinny body and onto the cold, sticky floor.

The battered girl stepped slowly into the shower. The steam rising from the water. She leant against the shower wall to keep her balance as she stood under the showerhead. She could feel the burning water on her bare skin.

Unable to keep herself upright, Eden let herself slide down the wall until she was on the shower floor. She closed her eyes and allowed for the water to cleanse her body from her predator's touch.

She began scrubbing and clawing at her skin, ignoring the stinging feel of the water burning her flesh.

She just wanted to wash it all away.

The feeling of his touch on her skin. The feeling of his breath which still lingered in the crock of her neck. She wanted to wash away the sound of his moans as he thrust into her, the smell of his satisfaction. She wanted to wash away all the memories of him.

But no matter how long the young girl sat under the water, no matter how hard she scrubbed her body, she still felt the same.

Disgusting and ashamed.

She reached for the shower knob, turning the water off, and sat in silence. She could feel tears pricking the corner of her eyes as they threatened to fall. She stayed sitting in the shower, too weak to pull herself up.

Finally, she pulled herself to her feet, draping a towel around her boney body. She walked back to the room and stared at the scratched-up walls. There was still dried blood and flesh covering them.

Memories flooded the girl's mind. This was the very room where Vince killed her pack's Alpha. Her Alpha didn't see it coming. What satisfaction did it bring Vince to kill a whole pack? To kill her pack?

Vince had a sick manner about him. He made Eden stay in this room to remind her of what he did. To torture her with the memories of that night. She could still hear their screams, smell their tears.

Eden watched in horror as her mother put herself in front of Vince's wolves to stop them from finding her. They tore her mother apart, her sweet, caring mother, and Eden had to stay silent as she watched.

Eden's brother. He was a natural-born leader. He was a few years older than Eden. He was who she looked up to. She strived to be like him. He was humble, kind and put everyone before himself. He always made sure Eden wasn't treated any differently because she was a girl. He made sure to train her when he could.

He was 17, and every day, Eden thanked the Moon Goddess that she didn't have to watch Vince and his pack kill him.

Eden shuddered at the memories as a loose tear rolled down her cheek. She quickly wiped it up and turned away. She limped over towards the window, casting her gaze outside.

Looking out her window, she noticed her entire pack standing on one side of the field, all facing in the same direction. She definitely knew something was up. Her pack was never allowed to be outside, they all had duties to attend to.

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