3rd POV
Tweek lead Craig to his house for the night as the sun set besides them. Well, kinda. There was too much snow falling to see what the fuck was going on in the horizon, but it wasn't too bad. As they approach Tweek's lawn, Craig comes to an abrupt stop. "C-Craig? I-is s-something wrong?" Craig shook his head and slowly walked up to Tweek's door. Mr and mrs. Tweak open the door before Tweek could, startling the blonde teen. "Ah, Tweek! Why is there a black dog next to you?" Tweek's father asked. "I-I m-made a f-friend today," Tweek said. "Well, that's good. Now we have enough dogs for the sled race next month!" Tweek's mother chirped. Craig's ears flopped down at the thought of being in a harness to pull around a random person for a race. Nonetheless, he and Tweek walked into the house.
Craig's POV
I don't really like the idea of being put in a harness for public entertainment, but it's for Tweek, so it's ok. I think. Anyways. Me and tweek walk up to the dinner table. I sit 3 feet away from the table and wait patiently for scraps. Immediately I'm greeted with a few malamutes and huskies. 4 in total. They sit besides me as they await the same reward as me. I was significantly larger than them, so when feeding time came, I got a larger serving. It was awkward as the dogs ate besides me, staring into my soul. They were looking among each other, talking quietly in their dog manners.I could understand them, so I eavesdropped on their conversation. "Do you think the wolf's gonna become the lead dog?" "Pshh, not with spitz around. That husky'll rip the poor wolf to shreds" "I dunno man, that wolf looks scary to me. He looks stronger than you, Buck!" All while they were muttering the way dogs do, tweek's dad got up and put a collar around my fluffy neck. "How'd you find him, tweek-o?" He chuckled. He opened my mouth to take a look at my teeth and looked back at tweek. He's a tough one, I'll tell you that." He muttered. "H-He saves my from c-Cartman t-today! U-unfortunately he broke Cartman's arm in one bite, so he's in the hospital" Tweek stated. The dogs looked at me, then looked at the white dog in the corner. I'm assuming that's Spitz, because he stomped over to me, growling. Pretty sure he wants to kill me because of the menial gleam in his scarred eyes. How the hell did tweek find this dog?? "Heya bud, you make any funny moves, I'll rip you to shreds. So back off the lead spot, darkie" he growled. I bitch slapped him and spoke in a manner that only dogs could understand. "Fuck with me, I dare you." I turned around to face tweek, then looked back at spitz and the others. "You can't break what others already have already broken," I mumble. I follow tweek up to his room and transformed back into my normal form, drained. "I hope that wasn't too m-much one y-you," tweek whispers. "The other dogs aren't too nice either... b-but you can become d-dominant over them! Y-you're Craig t-tucker!" I cant help but smile slightly. I pull out my phone and connect to the guest WiFi.
I do have one concern about all of this...
"Am I actually going to be part of a sled team?" I say as I touch the collar on my neck. Tweek nods, but smiles, giving me confidence. I'm going to dominate the team, and the race I think to myself as I pull off my hat and sweater to out them in my backpack. I roll on the carpeted floor and fall asleep. I can feel tweek watching me, then going to bed. I get up quietly and look at tweek sleeping. I think I'll surprise him in the morning.
I sneak out of the house and wander off, but not too far. Just to the nearest open coffee shop. It was surprisingly opened at 11 at night, which was crucial to my gift. I go inside and buy 2 bags of coffee beans that smelled like the kind I saw tweek put in his coffee. Objective one down, now time to get some flowers. There was a flower shop selling green roses outside, but the store was closed. Fuck it imma steal some shit today. I snatch some flowers out of a child's flower pot. The coffee and flowers, weren't enough, so I grabbed a raven colored ribbon off of the flower pot. You know, these colors are pretty coincidental... did someone plan this? I look around before heading back to tweek's house. Chills go down my spine as I wander the empty roads. "This is what youu get, biitchh" I hear a drunken voice around the corner, so I decided to check it out. A drunken man was keying his own car, so I ran over to take the keys away from him. Once I did so, he stared at me with bloodshot eyes. "Go inside, you're drunk," I said dully as I handed back his keys. "Hhhhhh okayyy fine" he said as he stumbled inside. What the hell is wrong with the people of this city, I think as I carry the crafted gift to tweeks home. "OI, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING??" I panicked. That's my dad's voice... and I am fucked.

dark, darker, yet darker (discontinued)
WerewolfWarning: this story is actually kinda trash and I don't post often. But anyways, here's the lay down of what you need to know. Craig has been in a state of depression ever since his mother died from his abusive after beating her so much. Now, Craig...