Warning: this story is actually kinda trash and I don't post often. But anyways, here's the lay down of what you need to know. Craig has been in a state of depression ever since his mother died from his abusive after beating her so much. Now, Craig...
I hear my Father's booming voice and panicked. I don't know how the actual fuck he found me, but he's pissed. He ran towards me with his arms out. He's ready to strangle me, so but I'm ready to run. I sprinted with the flowers and bags in my arms to the best of my abilities. Even so, he was way too close to hide. I didn't know what exactly was going on behind me, but I didn't dare look back. Once I got to tweeks lawn, I made a sharp turn to go into his backyard. My father wouldn't dare jumping into a human's backyard, so I successfully escaped. Until I saw the sled team sleeping along the fence. I didn't know what to do so I just popped into my wolf form. I grabbed the bags and flowers and dragged them to the glass door, where I was greeted by Spitz. "What do you want, snowy?" I whispered. He laughed. "I could ask you that same thing" he chuckled. I bitch slapped him and opened the glass door. "Hey, hey, hey! What are you doin'? Master's gonna kill you!" He hissed. I opened the door and jumped inside, then transforming back. I saw Spitz jump back as I flipped him off. Jesus, wasn't that a night to remember... I stole, got chased down, and flipped off the alpha of our sled team. Welp, that enough to get me tired. I checked my phone. 1:36. I flopped on the floor where my small sleeping bag was. I won't tell tweek, but off he sees a shit ton of bruises on be back and elbows, I'm sorta fucked. Baby steps, Craig, baby steps.
3rd POV
When sunrise came, and the birds chirped, tweek stirred awake. Once he opened his eyes, he sneaked out of bed to not wake up the sleeping werewolf. Well, it was a failed attempt, as the raven haired boy's eyes popped open within tweeks first steps out of bed. "Good morning tweek," Craig said as he stood up. He transformed and his bruises were almost invisible with his fur covering them. Good. Craig practically flew downstairs to the kitchen to get his gift, then back up in a matter of seconds. "Huh? W-what's this?" Tweek said as he grabbed the coffee bags and flowers. Craig responded by walking downstairs and greet the other dogs. The images from yesterday night still lingered in Spitz's mind as Craig walked down the stairs with tweek close behind. Spitz was woke af that day.
Time skip to the afternoon
Craig's POV
Yesterday was shit, lets see how today goes. Hopefully it's better. *tweeks father busts into the kitchen*. Ah fuck, this guy. "It's the first day of training, my little pups!" He sang. Me and the rest looked at mr. Tweek in sheer disappointment. He sighed and placed us all in harnesses and strapped us to a 2 person sled. We were in a straight line, all organized from fastest to slowest: Spitz (husky), me (werewolf), Buck (German shepherd), ginger, (malamute), Koona (St Bernard). We pulled the sled to wherever tweek and his father lead us to. They came to a halt, Richard was laughing while tweek was pulling at his hair. "Guys! Look! We found a village!" He laughed. Uh oh... he found my old home. I struggled to get out of the traces, but Buck bit my tail when I did, so I bit him back. Once Buck was down, I bit myself out of the traces and ran off somewhere secluded to turn back. Once I did so, I wandered into the village and paid Kenny a visit. He was on his front porch sleeping, so I threw a rock at him. (Stop Kenny abuse at 1-800-kenny now)
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(I am so sorry, but I have to end this chapter here because I've just been alerted that I need to participate in some sort of art project, and it'll take a few days to finish. I don't want to do it, but I will because my friends need moral support while doing this project with me. I hope you understand, and have a great day!)