Tweeks pov
They're gone... both of them... I can't bring them back, no matter how much I want to. It's my fault, and I'll never overcome it.. Craig and Kenny have tried to comfort me. They pity me. I- my train of thought gets interrupted by a strong hand laying on my shoulder. I look up to whom it belongs to, and immediately look back down. I felt my face heating up a bit. "Tweek, it's not your fault. Neither of us are to blame," Craig says monotonously, as if he'd read my mind. I start twitching more, and I feel like crying, only I've cried myself dry. Craig hasn't, nor has Kenny. I'm the weakling of the group. The long silence in which I thought in was broken by Kenny's booming voice, which honestly startles me every time. "Yo, Craig! When the hell are you gonna open that damned letter?" He shouts from outside. Craig's ears perks up, which made me curious as to what letter he had. My question was answered when he pulled something from under his hat. A creepy looking envelope with what looked like blood smudges and tear drop marks. Craig hastily ripped open the card and pulled out its contents. There was a desaturated blue bow and a sepia paper. He read the note in slight grimace, then at me. I met his eyes, and they almost seemed to mellow down. My eyes were still dull and boring. Craig's ears twitch and he abruptly stands up, clearly on edge. He walks outside with me right behind. A high pitched giggle was only slightly audible past Craig's slightly distorted breathing. A girl with black hair and a pixie cut with blue at the front of her hair pops up. She let off a sweet and innocent vibe. The black cat ears and tail in her made me assume she was the nekos Kenny talked about. They were supposed to be either super cheerful or incredibly rude. "Ahaha! I knew you would come out of your hiding spot!" The girl giggles. Kenny bounces out of the small hut and lands next to me. "W-what's y-your n-name, m-ma'am?" I say barely above a whisper. Her face lightens even more. "Oh, I'm kyuni! Ohhh my god! You look so cute and cuddly! What's your name, kiddo?" She says, patting my cheeks gently. She stops and steps back, all of her motions are fluid in comparison to Kenny of Craig. Kenny slides between me and kyuni. "Heyy girl~ I'm Kenny, the guy with no emotion is Craig, and the 'kiddo' is Tweek" he says. She stares at Kenny after a barrage of pick up lines, leaving a large silence fall. "I don't think you're my type... please stop flirting with me." She said, walking over to Craig. She pointed and winked at him. Kenny stood aside, defeated. She turned into a grey tabby cat and crawled all over Craig. Her purring made him tense up, and he looked uncomfortable. Her eyes widened as she hopped off Craig's shoulder and backed up. "No.. go away! Twitch and Craig are mine" she shouted to a raven haired girl. Jasmyyne was staring right into my soul. "It's Sunday, and it's time to go to school, twitch!" She said, laughing maniacally. The three behind me tilted their heads as I internally screeched. Jasmyyne sprinted off, leaving me to explain what school was to the three. Once I thoroughly explained, they all nodded their heads and chanted "we'll go with you!" Their enthusiasm surprised me, so I told them the rules to go to school. They nodded and pulled me by the back of my shirt. I panicked, and squirmed around. "Gah!! W-where are we going???" I squeaked loudly. They didn't answer, and they just kept beaming, even Craig! It was seriously scaring the crap out of me. I cut down on my flailing until I saw South Park high, and that's when I started struggling even more. "GAH! DONT B-BRING M-ME T-THERE PLEASE!!!" I begged. They finally let go and looked at me in confusion. "What's wrong with school? It sounds pretty dope," Kenny said. I merely waited for it to happen, and as if on que, Cartman appeared. He grabbed a book from another student's arms and bashed me over the head with it. It hurt so bad, i forgot where I was momentarily. Luckily, Craig was there. I heard the loud sounds of someone getting their ass kicked. I was twitching madly, and my head felt like it was on fire. Knowing cartman, he probably set it on fire. I couldn't tell where I was for a while, so I had to resort to my hearing. All I could hear was growling that sounded like Craig, and hissing. I heard loud screams, then a bunch of loud footsteps. My senses came back, and I realized that kyuni was hissing at cartman while Craig was beating the shit out him. Kenny comforted me, and it worked. It only then dawned upon me that tomorrow was Monday, and my backpack was burnt by cartman and his lackeys. Last week. I luckily didn't have homework, but mr. garrison will surely have a pop quiz as soon as we get back. I was scared to go to school, but Craig comforted me and told me he'd stay outside of my classes to wait for me. Kyuni wanders away, back to her tribe. Kenny ruffled my hair as he walked home, which made me wonder: are Kenny and Craig both gay? Oh geez, I shouldn't be thinking of that right now. I tried shaking the thoughts out of my mind, but I guess I took that too literally, since Craig noticed. He notices a lot of things. I glanced in his direction, seeing his bright, ocean blue- which made my heart flutter. I start wondering more about him all of a sudden- he seems so caring without meaning to be, and he seems to have a good build from my perspective. He- "earth to Tweek, are you alive?" He said, waving his middle finger in my face. I nod and shake a bit, which thankfully went unnoticed. We head back to the small abandoned hut only to find Kenny and 2 other werewolves, one with red hair and a green hat, and one with midnight black hair and a blue hat. I look at Craig to see if he knew anybody here, but the only response I got out of him was a sigh of disappointment and a walk of shame towards the miniature pack.
A/N: OH MY GODD IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPLOADING IVE HAD A WRITERS BLOCK AND IVE BEEN TRYING TO GET A NEW COVER, PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter nonetheless, even if I did try to make it more lively from the horror show of the last chapter... oh shit... I need to stick to a genre... Anyways bye for now!!

dark, darker, yet darker (discontinued)
WerewolfWarning: this story is actually kinda trash and I don't post often. But anyways, here's the lay down of what you need to know. Craig has been in a state of depression ever since his mother died from his abusive after beating her so much. Now, Craig...