(Continuing off from last time)
It seemed to have worked, as he got up and shot me a demonic stare. I shrugged it off and dragged him over to a small patch of bushes. "What the hell, dude? I was sleeping!" Kenny yelled. This brought attention from tweek and his father, making both the 17 year olds' heart drop to their stomachs. Tweek started walking over to us, so Kenny's first instinct was to run up to him and.... flirt... It was a stupid tactic, but it always works. He has a fairly smooth voice, so that might be it..? I'm not going to question his mannerisms, or I might get a stupid flirty answer. Any-who, Kenny runs up to tweek and starts flirting. Tweek is heavily affected by this and his face turned 10 shades of red. *Kenny used flirt! It's super effective!* Tweek's father spins around to see a random teen in an orange parka... flirting with tweek. He runs over to tweek and my boi Kenny and slaps Kenny's back with a hand gun. I felt like if I didn't walk over there and save Kenny from being shot in the head because he was a werewolf, I'd be pretty pissed at myself. I don't wanna go up there, but something forced me, as if it was dragging me by the tail to that one spot. Once this force set me down, I sat there, just staring at tweek. "Craig! What the hell are you doing???" Tweek hissed below his breath. I merely pointed at Kenny and got up. Tweeks father looked at me, confused. I then walked up to him and held out my hand. He didn't know what I was doing... are all humans this stupid? I stuck out my hand slightly further. He finally caught the gesture and shook my hand. "Who the hell are you guys?? And why do you remind me of Craig?" He asked, yelling. "Cuz I am craig. Just... not in my wolf form" I said, flipping him off. I could hear Kenny still flirting with tweek as I answered mr. Tweek's questions. After his last questions, I was out of breath and walked over to tweek to explain what the hell Kenny was doing. I laid my hand on his shoulder to reassure him, but that wasn't a good move. I got a kick in the head from... Kenny? "He's mine, tucker" Kenny whispered into my ear. I stood up to back away, with tweek huddled close by. Unexpectedly, Kenny transformed and attempted to kill me in one snap of his jaws. He was quick, but I was quicker. I jumped out of the way and transformed myself. We ran deep into the forest we grew up in... but one of us might die here, so I should probably not be the one to decay in the forest. I stood up on my hind legs and boosted myself onto a short branch of a tree. I climbed up pretty far, knowing Kenny couldn't climb for shit. Kenny jumped up and down, trying to attack me. Another wolf with the same colour fur as me charged up and snapped something off of Kenny. It was dark, but shiny. That wasn't the point... Kenny snapped out of his trance and looked around. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE, AND WHO IS THIS BITCH??" He shouted while pointing to the raven coloured wolf. I shrugged and jumped out of the tree. Tweek came running, out of breath and twitching more. He picked me up with his slender arms and was asking me a bunch of questions. Just for my well being. I transformed back into my normal form and picked up tweek. He was incredibly light, and his hair was silky. Kenny was helped up by the random dark wolf. We left the forest and slowly walked over to where the sled was. But then...Everyone was dead.
There was blood all over the powdery snow.
Me, tweek, Kenny, and the dark wolf stood in shock.
The bodies had arrows sticking out of them, a werewolf's weapon for hunting from afar.
Tweek started crying softly as Kenny escorted him back home.
What happened?

dark, darker, yet darker (discontinued)
WerewolfWarning: this story is actually kinda trash and I don't post often. But anyways, here's the lay down of what you need to know. Craig has been in a state of depression ever since his mother died from his abusive after beating her so much. Now, Craig...