Craig's POV:
The next day. I felt like I was going to fuck up that day somehow. I don't know how, I just felt like it.
Still having the collar on my neck, I walk with tweek to school in my feral form. He pet my head the entire time we were walking there, which was soothing for the both of us. My chullo hat is still placed somewhat tightly around my head.
Nothing is happening. It's just waking to a fucking building while tweek tells me about his schedule. I don't know why he gets so worked up about it.
We've arrived at the school, but tweek looks at it with disgust and fear. He then looks at me, with his expression changing to concerned. "C-Craig? Y-you've been awfully q-quiet. Is s-something bothering you?" He says to me in a low voice so nobody hears him or suspects a thing. I shake my head and continue to lead him inside. By the time we've walked in, tweek has already found my sweet spot behind my ear, which felt good every time he scratched it. I know what beyond the fourth wall is thinking: " BuT aReN't YoU a WoLf?? IsN't ThAt rAcIsT tO wOlF lOvErs??" My answer to that is fuck you. I do what I want.
Continuing with the plot.
I start to relax in the new environment, even if people constantly want to pet me. Here I thought people gave you respect, but that thought was abruptly torn apart by a slightly chubby kid ramming into Tweekers. I immediately get defensive- I bare my teeth at the kid and let out a low growl. He simply sticks his tongue out at me and shoves tweek more, demanding for something. My instincts take over my mind and I bite the kids arm. Hard. He instantly recoils runs off to his group of friends, where I can hear him hiss in pain. I stick my tongue out at him, and drag Tweek to his classroom. He groans and complains, which is honestly getting on my nerves.
Class seems to be going smooth.. at least I hope it is. I still feel like something is off about today. I question it for a good while, then my questions are answered when THE FUCKING FATASS COMES WALKING IN. I snarl at the sight of him, and now I wish my feral form had thumbs, because I want to strangle him. He spots me and quickly adverts his gaze, trying not look at me. "Hey Cartman!" I hear from across the hall. "I heard you needed garlic and a holy cross... mind explaining me for what?" The other kid says. It was the same kid that rammed Tweek, and his arm was bandaged. He must have remembered me, because he jumps back and holds the cross as a weapon. I sigh at his pointless attempt to be intimidating. "Fucking Clyde???? What took you so fucking long???" The other kid, presumably Clyde, shakes his head and hands cartman the items. Before I had time to question it, cartman throws the garlic at me and holds the cross to my muzzle. "What the illiterate fuck?" Cartman stands there in disbelief, as if I was supposed have a seizure in that moment. After a while, a teacher yells at cartman to get to class. "Fineeee mrs. Choksondik" I managed to contain my laughter as cartman and... Mrs. Choksondik head to class.
The rest of the say is fairly normal. They serve you shit coloured vomit to eat, there are groups of friends ditching class to go fuck in the bathroom, you know, the shit that happens in movies.
~*~*Timeskip to afterschool*~*~
Me and tweek get invited to hang out with a kid named butters. Yum. I still remain feral, even though it's beginning to tire me.Once we arrive at this place, we head to the living room were I take a good ass nap while tweek and butters play animal crossing on the console.

dark, darker, yet darker (discontinued)
WerewolfWarning: this story is actually kinda trash and I don't post often. But anyways, here's the lay down of what you need to know. Craig has been in a state of depression ever since his mother died from his abusive after beating her so much. Now, Craig...