Meet the Characters

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Jake- he has a strong, broad, and dominating physic for such a gentle touch. Maybe that's a metaphor to describe his similarity to fire. He's tall, but not the tallest. His skin is bronze, perfectly kissed by the sun, his eye's color is between brown and gold. His hair is short and wavy and the color of milk chocolate. His wings definitely give away his abilities more than his appearance. They are dark crimson, though the color fades out from sunset orange to golden sun yellow. Now I say they are big giveaways because he's a Pyro. A fire elemental. He's the oldest on our squad. He is partnered with his sister, Mia, who is the youngest. Jake has a warm personality, he's quiet but when he finally speaks you're always amazed by the words that come out. Maybe that's metaphorical for when you stare at a fire, listening so intently for the occasional crackle. He is rare for his abilities, he has the ability to create his own fire instead of manipulate it. Normally Pyro's can only produce extreme amounts of heat before actually creating fire. This gift is called the Phoenix Blessing, or something like that.

Mia- she is very energetic. She seems like an idiot since she never stops talking, but she has hilarious wit and cleverness. She stands average height, her build is thin but firm. She's built for speed. She looks nothing like her brother, her hair being straight and black, reaching the edge of her jaw and no further. Her skin is pale like it's seen more cloudy days than sunny ones. She has a mask of freckles across her nose and her eyes are an intense pale blue. But when she's angry they show a little pink and purple in them, making it look like lighting striking. Her wings are a dark, cold looking purple, they seem to absorb light whenever she shows them. Her abilities are that of an air elemental, but her abilities go beyond that. She's a Storm. Yes, Storm. Like her brother she is rare for her kind. Storm is categorized as air elemental because normally they only create intense winds. But Mia can manipulate lightning and other aspects of weather. I blame their parents. Her father was a regular Pyro and their mother was Aquaris, no not the star sign, that's Aquarius, I mean the elemental. And before that their grand parents were Aira, Domina, Animus, and a freaking fairy! Their family has been mixing abilities since the beginning of our race, which is a long time considering our kind is the oldest. The vampires can say they're the oldest all they want, but everyone knows the truth.

Randy- what an idiot. Randy is the outgoing, open book type that thinks he's funny and charming. He has shaggy blond hair and a constant cocky smirk. His eyes are green and brown, the brown starts around the pupil, but then starts to fade green toward the edge of the iris. His build is that of a gymnast: he has lean muscles. His height is slightly below Jake's, but still tall. His wings are brown and have a shimmering golden overlay. His skin is golden too, not bronze, but golden. He has a twin sister Annie, or Hawks. She treats him like a mother scolding a young child, but he's insanely protective of her. Obviously the twins are partnered. Randy is a Flora or Terrafirma. His abilities put him in the earth elemental slot. He can manipulate the earth, but his most proud gift is his control over vegetation. This is where he gets annoying. With this rarity of his abilities he'll grow a rose, or a lilac or some other romantic flower and try to charm a girl he finds worthy. No matter the species. The annoying part is that it actually works. Also, he has a giant oak tree outside his dorm window where he has a luxurious tree house.

Hawks- she is the sweetest. She is never harsh towards anyone unless she's being firm with Randy. Though, that doesn't mean you can mistake her for being an easy target. She stands up for herself, but in the most impressive way. For example: a couple of vamps were mocking her by talking about their latest animal kill and she turned and smiled sadly at them, telling them that she knows they need to eat, and that she was proud of them. Then she kissed one of them on the cheek and said good work before walking away. She's amazing. Her appearance is similar to her brother's; blonde hair that she wears in high pigtails, they are always perfectly curled too. She is the shortest of us, but stands tall. Her abilities are Fauna or Anima. Anima's are not common at all, but since Randy was born first, he received the normal gift, and she got the hidden gift. Flora and Fauna go together, it's just common sense. Hawks's wings are golden, but don't shimmer like her brother's. They match her eyes, which make you see the wolf she often transforms into sometimes. That's right. Not only can she talk to animals, and heal them and whatnot, but she can also transform into them which is why Anima are so uncommon; the more powerful, the more rare.

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