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I had learned to tolerate Nick being back, only being around him when absolutely necessary. Clarence tried to get me to give him another chance, but his forgiveness for his brother only steeled my resolve. Mia talked about him non-stop, and Randy grew fond of him; their similarities practically had him swooning. Jake and Hawks often would check with me to see if I was alright, but other than that they wouldn't bring it up, which I was grateful for. Damien spoke to me privately about his worries for Sam, and often shared his observations about the growing darkness in creatures, not just angels.

I walked down one of the dark, carpeted hallways, lost in my thoughts, when something slammed into me.

"Oh! Oh I am so sorry! Oh my gosh are you ok? I'm such a klutz." I turned around to see a small girl with large round glasses and unruly brown curls fumbling to pick up the things she dropped when she bumped into me.

I bent down to help her pick up her books and papers, sensing her frustration. "It's fine, no harm done." I handed her the last of the papers and smiled when she looked up at me.

"Y-you." Her face paled and she froze.

"Uh, me?"

"You-you have a very important future." She mumbled, remaining tense.

I shifted in my crouch, my approach changing from confused to curious. "What do you mean?"

"I've seen you, many times in visions. My father was a were-cat but my mother was descended from an oracle, the gift was passed on to me. I've seen you, surrounded by Darkness and pain. You cry out, begging for mercy. Other times I've seen you very beaten, standing in a pool of blood, despair making your body shake. And...something else." She held my eyes, asking permission to continue.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"You should not ask a question you do not want the answer to."

I was taken aback, "tell me."

She had kind yellow-green eyes, though sadness filled them. Her face seemed to age as she had a war with herself on whether to go on or not. Finally she decided. "I see you sitting on a throne, alone."

"What? What does that mean? What else can you tell me?" My voice became desperate, begging.

Her face shifted back and she became the timid little creature once again. "I-I'm sorry but that's all I can tell you." She turned and quickly left.

"Wait!" I called after her, but she disappeared.

I looked down at my hands, questioning the knowledge I had just been given. Glancing up I looked around and slowly turned to go back to where I was headed in the first place.

I met an old wooden door, banging on it loudly.

After a moment it swung open. "Ah, Alex. I knew you would come find me." Nick said with a cheeky grin.

"I want to talk to you." I went straight to the point.

His face dropped slightly, "what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Something like that." I mumbled as I pushed past him into his living quarters. His living space was set up more like a small apartment than just the bedroom and bathroom the students dorms contained.

Nick watched me closely, his eyes flashing with curiosity. "What did you want to speak to me about?" He wiped his hands on the towel he was holding and casually hung it over a chair. It was then I noticed the smell of foods cooking in his small kitchen.

"Why...why did you come back?" I tried to focus, I realized I hadn't eaten yet today, the smell of the food and the news I had just been given making my head and stomach throb.

Nick furrowed his eyebrows, "I missed home. I had fought my battle, it was time for my return."

"Bullshit." I cut him off. "Tell me the truth, Nicholas."

I sat down, his eyes still watching me. "That is the truth."

"Why are you lying?" I yelled at him.

He was taken aback, my outburst making his eyes twinkle with bad intentions. "I came back because I missed how things used to be."

"Getting warmer." I scrutinized. I began to feel light headed, laying my head back on his couch.

"Why are you interrogating me? I'm back, isn't that enough?"

I snorted, "really? You did not just ask me that." I looked at him. "After the way you left, after what you did to Clarence, you come back like some cocky hero receiving forgiveness he doesn't deserve!"

"I didn't leave Clarence! I left because of Lucy!"

My heart froze. "Lucy?" I whispered.

Nick rubbed his hand down his face. "Yes, Lucy."

"But..." I couldn't find the words.

"I loved her. And she used me. Her dark influence got to Clarence, because of me. So I left."

I got to my feet, "and you didn't bother to tell anyone that before you took off right as your brother began to turn dark? Right when he needed you most? It wasn't enough that you turned down the throne, but you ran away! Nicholas, you are a coward and a self centered moron! How could you do that to your brother!" Nick closed the space between us, gripping my shoulders with intensity.

"I left, for him. But he wasn't the only one. I knew what was happening, but in order to save everyone I left. They couldn't use me that way. Lucy influenced me too, your whole family was turning." I slapped him across the face.

"How dare you." I gritted. "My mother sacrificed herself for me, and my brother. My father and Lucy tried to turn them, but they wouldn't give in."

"Is that what the elders told you?" He let go of my shoulders. "Your mother was born dark, Alex. You, your brother, your sister; you all have it in you. Lucy turned, after your brother, and they both tried to turn your father remember? You were there."

"No." I ground my teeth together.

"Your father was the hero, he's the reason you're alive. You are the only known survivor of your family."

"No!" I cried, punching him in the chest with weak blows, trying to hold my tears back.

He wrapped his arms around me, holding me to him as I sobbed. "The darkness is why you hold back your emotions, isn't it? Because your emotions are what they used against you." He spoke quietly, like a horseman to a wild stallion.

"I'm so afraid." My voice failed to go above a whisper.

He rubbed my back gently. "There's nothing to be afraid of. It can be controlled."

I stepped back from him, wiping my face. "Why should I trust you again?"

"Because I came back."

"And you leaving in the first place broke my heart, Nicholas. How can you come back and expect for all the anger, and pain, to just fall away?"

"Because like I said, I didn't just come back for Clarence."

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