Game of Assholes

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"I must be going insane." I held my hand to my forehead as I sat back in my seat.

"A little." I heard Clarence agree. I turned my head to glare at him but his dumb smile made me smile too.

"Shut up, you're not helping."  I tried to pay attention to the lecture, but all I could think about was how Nick had taken it upon himself to find out more about the Darkness without me.

"Will you relax already, Nick has this under control." Clarence whispered.

"That statement is the exact reason I will not relax." I huffed, bouncing my leg in discomfort.

"Ms. Flyght." The professor called from the floor.

"What?" I snapped coming out of my thoughts. There were a few snickers from the kids actually paying attention.

"I asked you a question." He prompted, trying to keep his temper.

"And I asked one back, your point?"

His face reddened a little as he took a deep breath. He was another werewolf, one of the other several. I didn't understand why most of them went into the profession they did though, their tempers are very touchy. And I liked to push. "Alex, what are the origins of the warrior species?" He rephrased, ignoring my rudeness.

I sat up from my slouching position, "the warrior species mainly consists of the warrior angels, their power was passed to other species when they bred. Wolves and Cats were born from humans and Fauna breeding, or so is the belief. Some say that Fauna who chose to stay in their animal form began the species. That also leads to the idea of why there are so few Fauna left. The fairies and pixies are a result of the more powerful angels breeding with humans as well. Their power of light and manipulation very obvious in this observation. Vampires are technically demons, or fallen angels who began to feed on precious human blood because they lost their angel status and had nothing more to sustain their life except the hunger." I put my hands together with a smug look on my face.

The professor nodded his head, pleased by my answer, then a thought dawned on him and he looked up at me, "and what of the origins of the dark species?"

I felt the blood drain from my face, "uh..." For once I was without words.

"The origins of the dark species are just that. There was a Luna who bore the ebony feathers and the raven colored hair. Her power was stronger than a warrior's should have been. She was as strong as an archangel, she was called the Dark Angel. She bore a child, who had the Fauna abilities, except his power extended to changing his gift. He was consumed by his power, his skin and eyes turned completely black, he transformed into a Luna like his mother, but the power was too much. The story says he collapsed within himself, changing to the form of a black wolf. The legend says he entered an endless cave and never returned. His abuse of power birthed the Darkness." Rena, the princess who would take Clarence's place if his family didn't rule, spoke from the other side of the room.

"Thank you, Rena. That is correct." She smiled at me. It gave me an uneasy feeling, I didn't like her. Or her protector, Konnor, who smirked at me when I glanced at him.

I felt a wave of power and I looked over at Clarence. His fists were clenched and his skin had a very subtle glow. Luckily I was the only one close enough to feel his anger.

"Clarence." I whispered harshly. His blue eyes flicked towards me, burning into me. "Control yourself or leave. You know you can't afford to lose control. Get it together." I looked at him sternly until he caught his breath. He closed his eyes and put his head down. When his fists wouldn't unclench I placed my hand on top of his. Slowly, his fist loosened and he opened his hand and held mine. When I looked at his face he was staring at our hands, an uneasy look on his face. Before I could ask him what was wrong the bell rang to dismiss us. He slipped his hand out of mine and started gathering his things quietly.

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