Chapter Three

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In his old room, in his old bed Yukihira Soma laid flat against his back watching the moon through his big windows. He sighed, Takumi called him earlier updating him about Erina's departure from Japan, he wanted to go see her but didn't have enough guts to do it. He sighed, he wanted to see her again and ask her all of the questions he's been meaning to ask her all this time, if he hears her reason it'll be enough for him to move on and just accept the fact that Erina Nakiri never loved him in the first place.

A crippling sadness enters his heart, he felt depressed and depression is not a good thing for a world class chef like him. He flipped unto his side and checked his phone.

A knock on the door made Soma almost fall off the bed and his old man showed up. "Oi Soma, how's it been?"

"She left again."

The old man chuckled scratching his head, "You're such a wimpy kid. Why won't you just follow her there? Ask her everything you want to know."

Soma pouted, "It's not that easy it's difficult for me too."

"Kid, you said you wanted answers and in your case you're just afraid to get rejected right? Rejected or what you need to know it no.. you deserve to know it because if you don't you'll just spend your whole life drowning in your never ending cycle of 'what ifs'. Man up, Soma I didn't raise a scaredy cat here."

With a final smile, Joichiro left with his words tainted deep inside Soma's head. After a minute of thinking, he smirked.



It has been three weeks since Alice's wedding. Erina is back at London with her restaurant filled with bustling rich people. She stood in the center of the kitchen watching each chefs do their own works. Hisako called earlier and they had a little chat for a while and after that Erina busied herself with work.

"Chef Nakiri! A customer wanted to see you."

Erina raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"He said he knew you for a long time and just came to say hi."

Erina's heart pounded. She didn't mean to expect a certain someone or a certain redhead rather to show up at her restaurant. She didn't mean to walk out of the kitchen and made her way outside, she didn't mean to search for a flash of red hair, she didn't mean to.


It's a familiar voice but still disappointment was etched on her face.

"Matsumoto-kun." She said, slowly.

Matsumoto is the son of one of her dad's friend, when they were younger Matsumoto used to tell to other children that Erina will be his wife someday much to Erina's dismay, he tried to hit on her a hundred times but she always turns him down luckily, Matsumoto moved to the States before high school leaving Erina relieved.

He grabbed her hand and kissed it, Erina blushed not because her heart is racing but because of total embarassment. She quickly withdrew her hands away from his fingers. "Ano... Matsumoto-kun what're you doing here?"

"To taste your cooking perhaps? It was delicious by the way and it really sooths my appetite well. I wouldn't mind it if you always make dinner like that." Matsumoto grinned pulling a chair for Erina to sit by.

"D-dinner? What are you saying?"

"You'll probably become my wife in the future." He cheekily said not knowing that Erina is probably irritated at him and his nonsense jokes.

"I will never become anyone's wife Matsumoto Sadana. So please drop your nonsense jokes it's seriously getting on my nerves." Erina crossed her arms below her chest to provoke Matsumoto.

Matsumoto chuckled, "Well, you never changed haven't you? Well aside from your body, it was absolutely vol–"

Before Erina can slap the hell out of Matsumoto, a pair of hands encircled her waist, a warm familiar body pressed beside her, and a familiar scent at that.

"You finished here, Erina?"

The way her name slip out of his mouth felt like a dream. She felt her heart rapidly beat fast, she can't control the blush forming at her cheeks. "Soma."

"Who's this?" Soma asked pointing at the startled Matsumoto and tightening his grip at Erina's waist.

"H-he's a friend." She didn't know why she responded does that mean she was playing along with Soma's tactic? Yeah that should be it. She's just playing along.

Matsumoto's jaw almost dropped, "Y-y-you're taken, Nakiri?!"

"Yeah, she's already taken." Soma glared at the man.

"B-but you said..." Pointing at Erina "... that you'll never become any–"

"It's because I'm the only one who gets to be her husband, got it? Go away I believe you already consumed all your food so go before I carry you outta here." Soma threatened and Matsumoto retreated, not leaving a single trace of him anywhere in the building.

Soma removed his arms away from Erina, "Are you alright?"

Erina nodded, unable to lift her gaze in fear of losing control. "T'was one hell of a goddamm customer isn't it?"

"Yeah, he definitely is.... Thank you, Yukihira."

Soma laughed, "I heard you say my name earlier. It'll be your way of showing thanks I think... just call me by my name."

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