Chapter Nine

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Delivering the baby became a tough job for Erina, Soma made sure to make her feel at ease that even when she's giving birth he let her crushed his hand. Soma found himself shedding a few tears as he witnessed how physically hurt Erina is, her grip on his hand, the pained breaths and the screams she's letting out made Soma think that this'll be the only child he'll ever had.

No, he wanted more kids.

"I can see the baby's head."

Despite Erina's tiredness she managed to let out a small smile which didn't get unnoticed by Soma and he kissed her knuckles, she closed her eyes and for the final time she pushed;


"She's beautiful isn't she?" Soma asked his fiancé as he held their daughter.

"She's more than beautiful." She smiled and lightly tapped her baby's nose. Soma's heart skipped a beat. This is it, this is the moment he's been waiting for since she announced her pregnancy. Finally, finally his family is united.

"I love you, Soma-kun." Erina mumbled and let herself get carried by her tiredness, a nurse entered the room and Soma entrusted her daughter to her, since the baby needed to be placed to the nursery. Soma gave one final small kiss to her daughter's head and smiled,

"Next next day, I promise you we'll go home." He whispered as if the baby already knew his words but to Soma's amusement, she smiled.

Soma went back to his fiancé and covered her body with a soft blanket, he held her tightly and she wrapped her arms to him as if not ever letting go. Soma still felt her uneasiness and he adjusted just to make her feel much comfortable.

"I like her name." Soma mumbled.

"Her name almost sounded like mine." Erina reasoned out.

"Erina and Eri, you're my two pretty girls." Soma kissed her forehead feeling the stickiness of her sweat even more so he liked it, he love every single part of her.

"I wanted to take a bath."

"You can't, if you want I'll clean you up." Soma said, if the situation is that of the normal days Soma's word might mean perviness but today he really wanted her to feel as comfortable as possible.

"Can you do that for me?"

"Of course, I'll be back."

Soma went in the provided restroom of the room, after all Senzaemon especially requested a good room for his granddaughter and grand grandchild. As soon as he came back with the warm water and cloth gathered on his hands he sat beside Erina who's been sitting up as slowly as possible. Soma removed her hospital gown and began cleaning her, her tired figure caught his attention.

"Soma-kun, do you still think I'm beautiful?"

Soma is taken aback by her words and he stopped cleaning her he just stared at her amethyst orbs.

"What kind of question is that?" Soma said, placing the cloth back to the water and squeezing it. He gently removed the blonde hair that has been sticking unto her shoulder and gently wiped her body clean.

"I mean.... my chest got bigger and I've had a few stretch marks and.... and.... my hair, I think my hair got curled up..." She bit her lip, she knew this isn't the time to get insecure but she just couldn't help it.

Soma smiled, removing the mini basin and despite her naked figure he hugged her tightly. "Well my love for ya kinda change."

Erina's eyes widened sadly.

"My love for ya got much much bigger, do you know why?"

Soma felt Erina's head shake against his chest, he touched her hair and noticed that a few strands get curly well she once told him that women after giving birth has a tendency for their hair to curl but he still thinks it's cute.

"Well, think of me as a pervert but I really like your boobsgettin big like that." Erina's cheeks reddened at his confession and she buried her face closer to his chest. "I like your stretch marks you idiot, because it's a proof of Eri being born in this world and when we get home I'll freaking kiss each and everyone of them for ya." Soma smirked as his fiancé.

Erina looked up at him, a few tears adorning her face. "Really?"

"I love you so much I don't care if you turned into a ugly hag or whatever. This feelings I had for ya doesn't measure your physical qualities so stop being like that. I remember ya being like that when you're still pregnant."

"I'm afraid you'll leav—"

"Nah, I will never do that."


The Nakiri family arrived at the hospital at exactly the same moment almost making Erina's hospital room burst. Senzaemon is the first one to hold Eri and everyone saw how the old man's face turn to that of a cooing grandfather, Leonora and Alice checks Erina every now and then asking if she's alright if she's feeling any pain, Ryou chats with Soma and the two shares how difficult Nakiri women are when pregnant. Everyone's happy thats for sure. And at the same moment, Soma and Erina's gazes met each other and warm smiles made its way on their faces.

As the Nakiris left, Joichiro finally arrived with Dojima and Jun. As expected Hayama came too. As each day passes, polar star dorm residents arrives one by one and the overly excited Isshiki-senpai brought the former elite 10, Rindou, Eishi, Nene, Momo, and even Kuga after all they became Soma and Erina's friends.

Everyone is captivated with the adorable Eri, her golden eyes were much brighter now compared yesterday and the honey blonde hair is developing. She really is the daughter of a Yukihira and a Nakiri, what a combination.

After the third day, Erina finally got discharged.

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