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Eri Yukihira woke up at exactly 5 in the morning, her liveliness illuminating the entire Yukihira household. Even if her Dad promised her to drive her at 7:00 she's literally prepared at 6:00. Her long blonde wavy hair is up on a ponytail, her golden orbs carefully watching the movements of her Dad cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

"Pops, is it really hard in Totsuki, you went there with Mom right?" Eri asked her cup of hot chocolate almost empty by now.

"Now now Eri-chan, it's hard there like really totally hard! You'll eventually lose self confidence there but if you work your ass off really hard I betcha you'll get to the Elite ten in no time!" Soma explained, chopping up the garnishes as final touch for his dish.

Eri's eyes sparkles as she hears her Dad talk about her dream academy. Later she'll have her very first entrace exam. A young boy approached Soma and Soma diligently leaned down and let the little boy kiss his cheek as a sign of good morning.

"Ohayo, Sota-kun." Soma grinned at his boy.

"Ohayo Pops, onee-chan!" Sota lively called and Eri took her little brother on her arms giving him a wet sloppy kiss which Sota gets annoyed at everytime.

"Where's your Mom? Still not up?" Soma asked as he removed his apron and the white bandana off his head.

"I'm here."

Erina appeared carrying a baby girl in her arms, "I changed her diapers so we took a bit too much of time."  She explained and Soma kissed her forehead wordlessly, he gently kissed his newest Yukihira addition and cooed her.

"Ohayo, Mom!!" Eri and Sota said in unison. Erina walked to her two children and gave them each a kiss and then settled to sat down beside her husband.

"So you excited for today, Eri?" Erina asked as she stared at her husband putting their youngest daughter in her high chair.

"Definitely! Cannot wait to show them how a Yukihira fights in the kitchen!" Eri even high fived her Pops.

"That's the Yukihira spirit!" Soma chuckled.

Erina couldn't help but giggle at that, Eri inherited those fighting spirits from her father and they even shared a passion of experimenting unique dishes like grilling a squid and drenching it in a mustard sauce or something. Sota on the other hand is a laid back little boy that looks exactly like Soma but inherited his behavior from his Mom, Rikka their youngest is a happy and charming baby girl that everyone adores.

Erina couldn't wish for more.

"My Sota here got an A in his cooking class yesterday!" Soma chuckled, ruffling his son's hair and then getting scolded by it.

"Pops!!!! Not the hair!!!!"

"Hmmmmm..... Sota can't let anyone touch his hair coz he wants to look good for... AYANE-CHAN!!!!" Eri exclaimed and Sota immediately poked his tongue at his sister annoyingly.

"Tch, says someone who has a crush on Takashi Aldini pffft!"



As the two continued rambling on each other Soma and Erina just gazed at the two, their kids really acts like five year olds.

"Stop bickering and eat your food before it gets cold." Erina said as to stop her kids from teasing each other.

"Oi Erina you ruined the fun." Soma sighed then he felt a spoon full of soup entered his mouth.

"You too, eat!" Erina glared.

"Pops Mom! Why don't you tell us the story of how you failed Pops on his entrance exam when your first met?" Eri asked curiously and Sota even paid interest on it.

Soma stopped eating, shit!

"Soma-kun, did you just..." Erina glared and Soma whistled silently in the corner avoiding her interrogations.

"Please, Mom?" Eri and Sota's puppy dog eyes met hers and Erina wanted to melt in a puddle.

"Okay, okay."

She glared at her husband again and noticed that he's playing with Rikka now and the toddler is really having a very fun time with her Dad so she didn't meddle and started retelling the classic meeting of Erina and Soma way back then.


As soon as they finished breakfast, Erina put Rikka to her playpen, Eri and Sota bickered all the way towards the car and Erina made Soma's tie, today he will cook for a prestigious restaurant as a special guest and Erina couldn't be more proud.

As she slipped the final knot she pat Soma's chest, "Go take the kids to school and make sure to buy apples on your way home later, kay?"

"Ah, you're missing something."


He kissed her in a slow, sloppy, wet one she instantly felt her cheeks got so hot, she must look like a tomato now. He pulled away from her grinning like a madman.

"How many times do I need to tell you not to kiss me like that when the kids are aro—"

Another wet, dangerous kiss.


"Love you." One final kiss on her forehead and Soma went on his way, satisfied that he managed to tease his beautiful wife so early in the morning.


Soma get inside the car and Eri and Sot waved good bye to their Mom, Soma sent one final wink and drove away. Erina still dizzy from his husband's kiss found herself touching her lips and smirking.

"That idiot, really." She smiled.


That night, Soma got scolded since he forgotten to buy apples. Sigh.

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