Chapter Twenty- One

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The Lucky One

Chapter Twenty- One

December 12, 2015


Today is for sure a bittersweet thing. It's an exciting day for mutlitple reasons including it's the day before my twenty- sixth birthday which is crazy. Time is just going by so fast it's crazy. But, today is also the last day of the 1989 World Tour and I couldn't be sadder about it. The whole thing was such an amazing experience and, honestly, I wish it never had to end. The last show is in Melbourne, Australia which is somewhere I love performing so I know it's going to be a great last show.

Ali has had a ton of fun going around the world and seeing new places but I know she's ready for it to all be over. She wants to be at a real high school as she is a freshman now. Honestly, I know Ali really misses Michael and can't wait until she's back in Nashville. Their first date went really well and they've been texted (and FaceTiming) nonstop since. However, since that first date, they haven't seen each since. We've been on the road, on tour, basically nonstop. I can't wait to be back in Nashville and relaxing myself.

Speaking of relaxing, I've decided I am going to take a year break because I just really need it if I want to make my next album good. I've had zero time to even really focus on it so I'm going to take some time off, probably late 2016 to 2017. It'll give me time to really think about the theme of my sixth album.

I have a good feeling it could be really great if I just give myself some more time to work with it.

The concert starts in an hour and, as always, I warn everyone to not cry before the show or I'll start crying if I see them crying. So, they have to wait until after the show if they are going to cry. But, honestly, everyone has something to do that'll keep them busy which means they probably won't even realize it's the last show.

My makeup and hair are both done and I just finished putting on my first costume for the show. My mom walks in, hugs me, and lets me know that my fans are here. I huge smile appears on my face as I follow her to where the fans are. "Hey guys!" I say as I enter the room making them all scream.

There's about ten girls who I'm meeting before the show tonight and I'll meet many more after the show, as well. It's one of my favorite parts of the whole night; meeting my amazing fans. If I could, I want to meet everyone in the audiance, personally, every night and even fans that couldn't make it to the concert. Basically I just want to meet every single one of them and I wish it was possible.

Maybe one day.

I hope.

I spend a ton of time which each girl, individually, and they all tell me "happy early birthday." It's so weird to think that no one used to know who I was, or my birthday, and now thousands and thousands of people know. Heck, probably millions of people know that it's my birthday tomorrow.

My mom comes in to tell me that I have to finish getting ready for the show, so I have to leave the girls while they go to their seats. All of them were super nice, as every single person I meet is. My fans are truly the best.

"Have a great show," Ed says and gives me a hug. "You're going to do great, as you always do."

"Thanks," I say with a soft smile. Finally, it's time for me to go on for the last time on the 1989 World Tour. It feels like the first show was just yesterday. But it wasn't because now it's all going to be over.


Everyone is onstage (my dancers) and we do a big group hug. The concert was great, as I aspected, because the crowd was amazing. A tear runs down my cheek as we hug but I know I'm onstage and we have to do this backstage. "Thank you!" I say in the microphone and we get off the stage with the crowd screaming, and crying, probably.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much," one my dancer say but I smile. This isn't the last time we'll be together, hopefully. I'm planning on having another tour and I want all my dancers and crew back because they are like family to me. I can't really imagine having another tour and them not being there with me for it.

Even though I'm going to miss everything and this family we've created, I honestly can't wait to go back home to Nashville with Ed and Ali. And I know Ali can't wait to get back to Nashville to see her boyfriend.

Ah, young love.

"You did great, Tay," Ali says with a smile. I look at her and give her a hug with a smile.

I say, "See, aren't you glad you came along with me?"

Ali nods with a smile but I know how much she misses Nashville and wants to be able to go to a real high school. That'll sure be an experience for her but it's one she has to go through whether she wants to or not. After going out for pizza, the three of us take a flight back to Nashville getting there very early in the morning.

None of us slept good on the plane so we all go to our rooms and sleep for a long time. I cried a lot when we were leaving the restaurant but I know this isn't a final goodbye. I'll see them all again, soon enough. There's so much negativity with being a celebrity which definetly makes me questions if I'm really the "lucky one." But, I see all the good that comes out of it, the relationships I make with people, and sometimes I realize I am.


Happy New Year!

Thought I would jump on and update xxx

Thanks for reading!

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