Chapter 1

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I deleted this story as I wanted to start it again. Again Mollie and AJ are engaged but not married.

Today is July 10th. Adoption Day. It is currently 8 am and everyone is arriving at 10 so before I get ready let me tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Olivia, most people call me Liv though. I am 10 years old and very small for my age. My birthday is October 6th. I don't know my surname as every time I get adopted it changed. I have been at the orphanage for about three years. In those three years, I've been adopted 5 times each one the same, acting all caring and loving only to be abused a few days later then deciding they don't want you anymore and dumping you back in the orphanage. My mum and dad abused me and my brother, hitting, punching, cutting and don't get me started on the belt. On my seventh birthday, my dad thought a nice birthday present would be to rape me. My brother died from loss of blood when I was 6. A couple of days after my seventh birthday, I was tied to the bed and whipped, someone outside heard the screams and called the orphanage. They came and picked me up and took me back here. My parents died in a car crash when I was 8. My favourite TV show is Strictly Come Dancing, I watch it when I am nervous and it calms me down. My idols are Mollie and AJ. My favourite colour is purple. My favourite sports are dance and swimming. I've never swum but it is exciting to watch on TV. I don't have many friends as I have trust issues. I do have two friends, one is called Emma, the orphanage owner, the other is called Charlotte, she's 2 years older than me.

I hear a knock on my door,
"Come in," I say,
"Hi, Liv," Emma says, coming in,
"I bought you food as I know you don't like eating downstairs,"
"We've got a couple coming today who I think you're going to like, they're looking for a girl in between the ages of 8-12,"
"I'll leave you to it then,"

I eat a few mouthfuls of cereal before the familiar urge to throw up comes, I run to the toilet and stick two fingers down my throat, I am sick and then I go into the bathroom to have a quick shower. I wash my hair and my body before climbing out. I go to my drawers and put on a plain white t-shirt and black leggings. I dry my hair using Charlotte's hair dryer, I brush it and put it in a high ponytail.

"Girls in the ages between 8 and 12 come downstairs please," Emma shouts from downstairs at about 10:15.

Today is being run in stages the boys between 12-16 just came down and met people looking for those ages and now it is us.

We go downstairs and line up, I try to hide behind a few older girls who are taller than me but a man who is about 23 sees me and crouches in front of me,
"What's your name?" He says gently,
"Ol-Olivia," I say,
"That's a very pretty name, can you come out here and sit down on the sofa with us?"
"O-Okay," I follow him and go sit down on the sofa.
"This is Mollie and I'm AJ," He says once we're sat down,
"I-I kn-know,"
"So, do you watch Strictly?"
  "Awww, do you dance?"
  "I d-do to the b-boys music,"
"That sounds good, can we ask you a few questions?"
"O-Okay," I know I don't get a choice so it is better to go along with them than get hurt.
"How old are you?"
"I-I'm 10,"
"What's your favourite colour?"
"How long have you been here?" Mollie asks me,
"A-about 3 years,"
"How many times have you been adopted?"
"Okay, why don't you go up to your room while me and AJ talk?" Mollie says,
I nod my head and run upstairs to my room with my head down.

Mollie's P.O.V.

"What do you think AJ?"
  "I think she's the one we've been looking for,"
  "I agree,"
  "Let's talk to Emma and see what she says,"

We talk to Emma and she says that it will be great for Olivia and that we have to be gentle with her as she's had a bad past. We sign the adoption papers and go upstairs to tell her, I knock on the door gently,
  "Come in,"
  "Hey Olivia,"
"H-Hi Mollie, H-Hi A-AJ,"
"We wanted to tell you something,"

I hoped you enjoyed this part.

815 Words.

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