A/N ~ Very Important

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Heyy Guys,

I'm going to be putting all my Wattpad books on hold for a while. I will be updating if I feel like it and have nothing else that I have to do. I'm sorry but I hope you guys understand.

I'm doing this as I'm under a lot of stress and pressure. My art scholarship has been causing me some stress as if I don't do the summer work, my scholarship is over. Anyway, this year a lot of people from my year have left school and my best friend has left. She is moving across the country and I'm not going to see her every day anymore. I'm scared about what is going to happen as my friendship group has me and 4 other people. The girl who is moving across the country was part of this group and I feel as if she was the person binding us all together. Her moving away and my art scholarship has been causing me to have panic attacks nearly every day. I have also been given English and Maths work to do over the holiday and from today, I have 15 days left of the holiday. That is enough time for me to get all the work done but it is making me stress because I am paranoid I won't.

I hope you guys understand why I'm doing this but I need to get everything done before writing these books. I should be able to be back writing happily and stress-free on or around the 15th of September. I'm really sorry for doing this but I need to get my work and stress under control.

I'm sorry and I love you guys. I hope you understand. Byeeeee xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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