Chapter 3

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Olivia's P.O.V.

"Do you want to see your room?" AJ asks me,
"Oh, I-I have my own room?"
"Yeah, of course, why wouldn't you?" Mollie says,

I know I have to tell them otherwise I will get beaten,
"W-when I have been adopted before, I shared a room with my adoptive parents so they could make sure I wasn't doing anything naughty. T-they came and checked me every 10 minutes and if I was awake, I would get hit. They made me w-watch them have the s-word. If they did it while I was asleep, they woke me up and s-strapped me to the bed and then beat me, if I screamed or shouted they did it even harder."
"We would and could never do that to you," Mollie says, giving me a hug.

I feel all the tension in my body slip away from the one hug. I can't let them know that though. I can't get too comfortable, I'll be dumped back in the orphanage soon enough.
"Are you ready to see your room now?" AJ asks me,
"Yes please, sir,"
"Okay, oh, you don't have to call me sir,"
"Sorry, sir. It won't happen again." He looks at me and then I realize I said, sir.
"Don't worry, Olivia,"

He takes my hand and leads me up to my room. This is it,

"W-wow, it's beautiful, thank you so much,""You're welcome, me and AJ will go downstairs and leave you to settle in, your bag is on the bed," Mollie says

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"W-wow, it's beautiful, thank you so much,"
"You're welcome, me and AJ will go downstairs and leave you to settle in, your bag is on the bed," Mollie says.
"Okay, thank you,"
"You're welcome, call one of us if you need anything,"

I get my bag and I put my clothes in the wardrobe. It doesn't take long as I only have a dark blue top, a white top, a black jumper, two pairs of leggings and one pair of jeans. I look round my room and see a door, I open it and see my own bathroom, it looks like this,

 I look round my room and see a door, I open it and see my own bathroom, it looks like this,

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I'm sitting on my desk when I hear a knock at the door,
"C-come in,"

AJ walks in and sits next to me on my bed,
"Did you notice anything on your desk?" He asks me gently,
"Have a look,"

I walk over to the desk and see a quite big white box with an apple sign on it. I pick it up and walk back to AJ,
"Am I allowed to o-open it?" I ask,
"Of course,"

I take off the lid and see a computer, an Ipad, an iPod and a phone.
"I've set it all up for you, all the numbers you need are in there."
"Thank you," I give him a hug and then realize what I've done. I stand up while apologizing,
"Why are you apologizing, you have done nothing wrong?"
"I hugged you, you didn't hug me first."
"That's fine if you don't mind me asking, why wouldn't you be allowed to hug first?"

The same situation as earlier, I have to tell him or he'll hit me.
"When I have been adopted before, I wasn't allowed to hug unless they hugged me. If I did I would get w-whipped or s-smacked."
"I promise I would never do that to you,"
"Should we go downstairs and see Mollie?"

He takes my hand and leads me downstairs.

A few minutes later, Mollie says,
  "Tomorrow, I'll take you shopping,"
  "You really don't have too, I have clothes,"
  "You don't have many though,"

AJ's P.O.V.

I'm currently upstairs in me and Mollie's bedroom just thinking about how someone could be so cruel to abuse anyone in this world, let alone their very own child. It's not right and I and Mollie need to help Olivia. 

I hope you enjoyed this part, the picture at the top is Olivia. Love you xx

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