Chapter 4

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Olivia's P.O.V.

"Olivia, you need to wake up, darling,"

I open my eyes and slowly sit up.
"Good morning," Mollie says,
"Good Morning,"
"We're going to go to the shopping centre in about an hour. AJ's downstairs so get dressed and then go have some breakfast."

At the word breakfast, my whole body tenses up. I can't eat. Not now, not ever.

I get out of bed and put on black leggings and a white top. I brush my hair and put it in a ponytail. I go downstairs and see AJ.
"What do you want for breakfast?"
"I'm not that hungry,"
"You have to eat something,"
"Toast or cereal?"
"Toast please,"

A few minutes later, AJ places the toast in front of me,
"I'm going to go get dressed, eat this and then wait here,"

AJ walks upstairs and I take the opportunity before Mollie comes downstairs to grab my toast and throw it in the bin. I cover it up with a few bits of paper and then go sit back on the stool.

"Are you ready to go Olivia?" Mollie says,
"AJ is staying here to work on some dance performances with Chloe so it's just going to be me and you. Oh, Chloe is going to meet you later, don't worry she is really kind and caring," I nod my head. Mollie turns on the radio and drives to the shopping center. Once we arrive, Mollie takes me to New Look.
  "What kind of clothes do you like?" Mollie asks me,
  "I prefer long sleeves but anything,"
   "What do you think of this?" Mollie says holding a blue and white hoodie up,
  "I like it," I say, I watch her put it in the basket and then keep walking further into the shop,
  "How many sets of pyjamas do you have?"
  "I have enough," I tell Mollie,
    "How many Liv?" 
  "1," I say looking at the ground,
   "That isn't enough, let's try and find some more," She takes my hand and leads me to the nightwear section. 
  "Do you prefer girly colours or tomboyish," 
  "I don't mind,"
  "Grey or pink?" Mollie questions, holding up two sets of pyjamas with stars on,
  "Grey please," 
  "Do you have any shoes?" 
    "Yeah, I have the ones I'm wearing," I tell her pointing at the tattered pair on my feet, they are too small for me as I've had them since I was 7.
   "Do they fit?" 
   "No, they're too small,"
  "Let's pay for this and then go and get you some more shoes,"

Mollie pays and then we head to a shoe shop, 
  "We need to get you two or three pairs of like running trainers,"
  "I only need one pair of shoes,"
  "No, LIv, you need more than one, do you have any slippers?"
    "Let's get you a pair of them as well,"
     "You don't need to buy me all of this, you're wasting money, I'm not worth it,"
     "Yes, you are, you're worth all of the money I've spent so far and more,"
   "No, I'm not," 
     "Yes, you are, Olivia, now let's get you some shoes,"
   "I'm assuming you don't know what size you are,"


We have arrived back home and I met Chloe,
  "Can I go put my clothes upstairs?" I ask Mollie and AJ,
  "Of course you can, you don't have to ask," AJ says, "I'll bring the bags up for you," 
   "Thank you," I reply.

I run up the stairs and bound into my room and sit on my bed, standing when AJ walks in a few minutes later, 
  "You don't need to stand for me Liv, I'm your dad now, you can shout at me, slam doors in my face, scream at me, anything," I nod and he places the bags on my bed,
   "Do you need me to help you put them away?"
   "It's fine, I can do it,"
  "Okay, I'll be downstairs if you need anything,"

I put my clothes in my wardrobe and then I grab my phone and go downstairs,
   "Can you put this number in my phone please?" I show him the number,
  "Of course I can, who is it?"
   "It's my best friend, Charlotte, from the orphanage,"
    "Oh, we should have her around sometime, if that's okay with Emma?"
     "Yeah, it should be fine,"
   "Here you go," He gives me my phone back and I text Charlotte,

Hey Charlie, it's Liv. I got an iPhone, Mollie and AJ are amazing, I have my own room, all my own things and they are so kind. AJ said I could have you around, can you ask Emma?  They are the best adoptive parents I have had but I don't want to get my hopes up. 

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