chp 2 "testing" him out

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Finally sitting down , making sure to be as far away as she could possibly be from the man next to her, scooting her seat further away in hopes he wouldnt notice, they say high school os meant to be the best part of anyones life, really? Bullshit.
Any form of comfort later revealed to be wasted, unexpectedly the chair was instantky pulled closer, not even to its orriginal spot, instead it was dreadfully closer, closer to him.
Shit, shit, shit. Stiffening within her own tracks, ever so hesitantly lifting her gaze to see his own set on her. "okay so today we are going to do a maths test" The Teachers voice echoed throughout the room, Daniella's gaze ripped away from Jonah as soon as the teachers words were processed within her mind, no, no, no! Why now? Small panic raising within her, how was she meant to function with him beside her when all she wanted tk do was run, to be as far away from him as possible, the smell of his cologne was already physically nauseating, not because it smelt bad, God how she wishes that was the case, but instead because of the person wearing it, she couldn't possibly concentrate like this.

As the teacher was passing around the sheets of paper, feeling someone's familiar gaze watching her, body on high alert as she fought herself tonlook anywhere else possible, gulping as she was nothing but nerves, once again in hope for him to stop looking, why does he keep looking? Oh how she dreaded what he was thinking. A sigh of relief almost falling from her lips before stopping herself, finally a sheet was placed in front of her, high hopes that would soon be crushed now she could finally concentrate on something else..

Who knows how much time had passed, pen slowly and gentky dropping onto the paper in slight fustrstion, not only did she have no time to study at school due to the people around her, the fear of anyone coming to close was already bad enough, let alone their gaze, studying at home wasnt even an option either as even there was jsut the same, most likely even worse. Reluctantly what esle could she do but give up? A smal frown amung her lips as there was only small scribbles of writing from her attmepting to calculate things she failed to even learn, almost jumping on edge from nevers being too high as a foreign feeling of her shoe being nudged her brows furrowed within confusion before she clicked the pieces easily before relaising it was no one except for the dreadful man beside her "look" was all he whispered, leaning away slightly as he made sure to act as if he was calculating on another sheet, glancing back at the girl next to him with a gaze that held words that even Dnaiella didn't know before confusion set within her, why would he want me to look?, she thought within her mind, giving him a understandably questioning look feeling wary of his actions.

"You don't want to fail do you?" He whispered again, his eyes finding her's easily , "you think i dont know that this is some trick?" She whispered hesitantly, wanring nothing mkre than to shrink in her seat, a flash of amusement shining within Jonah's eyes "I'm trying to help you yet tou think it's a trick?" He questioned, confusion now seeting among his features, The audacity. "Of course I think it's a trick.. you hate me, you have expressed that you do for many years.. its natural I would be skeptical" she uttered, voice small , still on high alert incase his attitude changed easily like she had seen many times before. A soft sigh left him before shaking his head "I'm head of this class so far, just.. trust me and let me help you" he uttered simply, her gaze slowly wandering to his paper sheet next to her before sucking in a shaky breath "what if you use this agaisnt me huh? Would it be a new reason for another 'Lesson?' She hissed quietly, the words leaving her before she could even realise it, realisation hitting her as her eyes widened, shit, expecting for harsh threats or any type of wanting to meet her instantly, "no.. just copy it yeah? You have my word, it won't backfire.. now stop testing me" he huffed in some frustration due to lack of time.
A small quiet sigh falling from her before Daniella finally grasped the pen once again, glancing at the sheet before finally writing down the answers, purposely crossing out any small fake calculations she made and purposely making some small mistakes here and there to make it seem like her's.

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