22: "I'm. ."

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Tears started to leave my eyes as I stared at the test in my hand and christina walked in "...I think I already know the answer" she sighed and kneeled down to me and hugged me "w-what am I gonna tell zach.." I cried  and by now tears were falling down my cheek one after the other "hey its gonna be ok, I'll help you I promise" christina hugged me "he'll hate me" I said while burying my head in my hands "no he won't , it's his baby too and even if he isn't ready for one he at least he has to try" she rubbed my back "I'm 17 I can't do this!" I cried more if it was possible.
"You could have a obortion?" Christina asked "I'm not a killer of babies!" I sighed and stood up "I'm have an idea, what If we just have a  girls night tonight and a girls day out tomorrow so we can try and get you to relax and have some fun?" Christina smiled at me.

"okay" I wiped my tears and walked into the guest room "I wanna go and talk to daniel  but the boys arnt back.." i said while looking at the test in my hands "I'll call corbyn and tell him we are waiting for them, ok?" She smiled at me "okay" I sighed and grabbed my bag of clothes and walked out to my car with christina.

At Daniella's apartment

I walked in and put the test in my bathroom and flopped on my bed and sighed "DANIELLA" I heard christina shout for me "YEAH?" I yelled back "ZACH'S CALLED AND HE WANTS TO TALK TO YOU" she yelled back, I imeadiatly stood up and grabbed my phone from christina "hey daniella"
Zach said happily "hey..um what's up?" I asked while walking back to the couch/sofa "nothing really what about you?" "Nothing much..um zach can we meet up" I said starting to shake again "of course, where do you wanna meet?" "At the park?" "Ok, see you in 5" "ok, bye zach" "bye daniella" I sighed as I put the phone down and put on a leather jacket "I'll see you later then?" Christina smiled at me "yeah" I breathed out "ok call me if you want me to come get you" christina hugged me "will do" I said smiling and walking out the door.

When I got to the brige over the park's river I saw zach standing there with his hair messy from the breeze and his white hoodie had his sleeves rolled up
"hey.." I smiled lightly while walking up to him "hi" he smiled back "what did you want to talk about?" I looked down "i- I can't. ." Zach moved closer to me and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear "you can tell anything" he smiled "Zach. .you'll hate me" I felt my eyes watering with tears "hey, it's ok, I won't be mad I promise" he wiped my tears away "I'm. ..pregnant.." I said quietly
"What?!" Zachs eyes widened "..and it's yours.." I looked down trying to hold my tears back "no no no no, this is a joke right?" Zach looked at me like he's just seen a ghost, I shook my head and looked down again "fuck!.." he whispered and leaned onto the railing and burried his head in his hands "..now you know why I didn't wanna tell you.." I looked down "..I'm only 17.." Zach looked over at me "and so are you....we aren't ready for a kid.." Zach sighed "Zach. ..none of us are ready but I can't kill it.." I said while a tear once again rolled down my cheek "I know.." Zach said and pulled me into his chest and kissed my head "we'll do it together, ok?" Zach whispered while shaking and rubbing my back. I nodded into his chest as he picked me up bridal style and carrying me home..

Hiii I hope ya'll liked this chapter.
And I'm so sorry I haven't been updating a lot lately but I've been bussy but remember I love you all and remember to keep smiling!
Bye lovelies😚

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