Life anew

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You both stand in front of a well kept shop. It looked like it had been built only a day prior to it being bought. Jason stood with his arms folded, his somewhat human disguise in full effect. He turned to you, a proud look on his face.

" So dear ( Y/N ) what do you think?" You look into the shop window, amazed by the set up you see inside, making you feel giddy. Almost like a child. You smile gently and avert your eyes from the shop.

" It's amazing Jason. How could you afford such a place? " You watch as the toymaker's smile drops and he stretches the hair under his top hat from nervousness, silence settling quickly around you both

" Do you like our toy mannequins? " Jason avoids your question and takes you up to the window to show you the new displays. You look closer and recognize something very disturbing. These mannequins had the same look as the dolls from the room that Jason now denied you access into. You frown, not pleased with what the toymaker had done.

" Jason you cant..." You stop in your tracks as you see Jason's smile becoming sharper, his anger issues flaring up once more. He begins to reach for your shoulder. You back away and raise your hands in front of you.

" I'm sorry I'm sorry! " Jason retracts his hand and his smile becomes as sweet as candy once more, his makeup adding to the cuteness of his human self. You look away quickly to avoid blushing and letting Jason see your weaknesses. You had to be strong around the toymaker, you felt like you hadn't even scratched the surface of the scarlet haired man just yet. Feeling like more was underneath each layer of the toymaker's personality. You are snapped out of your thoughts by the loud calling of your name.

" ( Y/N )! My doll! " You quickly look in Jason's direction and see that he is holding two large boxes. When did he get those? You didn't have time to think as the boxes are shoved into your grasp, the toys inside them making them heavy and weighing you down.

" These are the first my doll. I will get Candy to bring the rest later. Now if you will excuse me, I have toys to make. " With this Jason left through a dark portal, leaving you standing in the middle of the street, dazed and holding heavy boxes. You decide that its best to head into the shop so others don't think your strange. First thing to do was take down those mannequins and then wait for Candy to arrive. Whoever that was. Knowing Jason he wouldn't be human either.

The Chosen One ( Jason the Toymaker X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now