Chapter 18

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It has been a few weeks since I had told Lucas and Marissa about my time in the Selection.

Of course they had many questions about it. Mainly Marissa. But for the past few days they've been quiet about it. I feel like I should feel concerned about it, but I'm not. It feels as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders since I've told them.

Somewhere in the last few weeks Marissa and Lucas celebrated their seventeenth birthday. There was a semi big party for them. Family and a few friends.

It is now a Friday night. Marissa is laying on her stomach, and Lucas is sitting next to me on the couch. There is only a few minutes before The Report starts.

It'll be a special Report tonight. Maxon was crowned King yesterday, with Kriss as his Queen. It was painful to watch, but it was mandatory that we watch it. After all it did happen during the school day.

I kept my eyes on Maxon than I did anyone else on screen.

Yesterday we were also promised a big announcement to come tonight on The Report.

The Illéan anthem plays then cuts to Gavril standing in a midnight blue suit.

"Good evening Illéa! Tonight we have a very promising Report. But first let's get to the big news of what happened yesterday. King Maxon will you please join me," Gavril says.

Maxon walks to the front of the stage and sits with Gavril.

"King Maxon. Now that will take some getting used to," Gavril says.

"You have no idea. One moment you're a prince. The next you're a King of a whole country," Maxon says.

"I know you kind of already answered this question, but, how does it feel to know be crowned King?"

"Well I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. Becoming King wasn't as hard. But adjusting to it will be harder. But I have been prepared to take over when it became time, and it was time."

"Excellent answer. Now I better let you go so I can fit in this next piece of monumental news. Now, will Prince Nathan come join me."

The camera pans to show Maxon and Kriss sitting next to Nathan, Ben, and Alisa. Clarkson and Amberly weren't there which was surprising.

Nathan stands from his place and makes his way to Gavril. The audience applaud as he does so.

"Look at him mom. Isn't he just handsome," Marissa says not taking her eyes off of the screen.

"I'll tell you Marissa. You are just as boy crazy as your aunt May. Now shh," I say.

Nathan sits down in the same chair that Maxon was sitting in.

"It's been a long time since you've been up here Nathan. How are you?" Gavril asked.

"I'm doing just fine. How about you?" Nathan said.

"Not too bad myself. Now down to business. We have some understanding that you have a very special announcement."

"Yes I do." Nathan directs more of his attention to the camera while still talking with Gavril. "Now as many of you know I am the eldest son of King Maxon, and Queen Kriss. It has been up in the air that I will hold a Selection just like my father. Now with much thinking I have decided that yes, I will be holding a Selection very soon. Papers are to be delivered to households starting tomorrow."

Th crowd gasps, and Marissa begins to squeal. She jumps to her feet and begins to jump up and down. She does a little dance before sitting down between Lucas and me.

"Did you hear that Mom? Prince Nathan is having a Selection! This is so exciting. I'm eligible to enter! Mom! This is the best thing ever!" Marissa practically shouted.

"Okay, okay. Calm down. The paper isn't here, and you don't know if you'll win. Just calm down and listen to the rest of The Report," I say.

Facing the tv we watch the end of Nathan's interview with Gavril.

The rest of The Report was news. Not much worthy of paying much attention to. The hot topic was just the Coronation and the Selection.

The anthem plays and the screen turns off.

"Okay I'm tired. It's been a long day, and I'm going to bed. I don't care what you two do as long as you clean it up, and you don't burn the house down. Now Marissa we'll see if the letter comes tomorrow. If it does I know you'll want to fill it out. I'm not forcing you to, but you can if you want. Now goodnight and I'll see you both in the morning. I love you," I say as lean and kiss Marissa on the head. Standing up I walk over to Lucas. "And I love you too." I kiss him on the head.

I head upstairs to my room. Already in my pajamas I climb into my bed and fall asleep.

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