Chapter 32

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It was different to not have Marissa here watching the Report. Instead she was at the palace watching it. She was there along with thirty four other girls. It would be intense, but I knew she would enjoy it.

"It's so different without Marissa," Lucas said as the anthem played.

"I know. But we'll be able to watch her on TV. Plus Aunt May has her eyes on every piece of newspaper, magazines, and TV. She'll tells us something we didn't know," I say. "But for now think of this as mother son bonding time."

He rolls his eyes at me but I laugh anyway. Gavril begins the Report.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Today we welcomed thirty five girls into the palace to compete for Prince Nathan's heart. Now, Prince Nathan have you been able to meet any of the lucky contestants yet?" Gavril said. He turned the microphone onto Nathan.

"No I have not been able to meet anyone yet. That comes tomorrow, but they all look like beautiful and promising girls. It'll hard to pick just one out of this bunch," Nathan said.

"Yes it will. Now throughout the day we had cameras placed at every checkpoint that the girls went through to get to the palace. People here were able to edit the footage and put together this little video for us to watch. Enjoy."

The camera fades to black, and a video begins. We watch as girls board planes, and exit them at Angeles. I saw Marissa exit her plane last. The crowd goes wild. I hear them chant her name like they did with me. The camera cuts to everyone exiting their limos at the palace. Then they're getting ready at the palace. The video goes on before cutting off.

Gavril returns to the screen. "Thank you to the people behind the Report for putting together that little video. Now I do have a few questions for Prince Nathan. After  seeing that video do you think it will be easier or harder?"

"I don't know. It seems to be about even. Now I can kind of tell who are the people's favorites."

"That is always a good thing to take into account. Now King Maxon, does this bring up any memories from your Selection?"

"It really does. There were so many things that happened during my Selection. I was just happy to find someone," Maxon said.

"And found someone you did. But if I remember you had your eyes on someone else for your Selection. What made you choose Queen Kriss?"

Maxon laughs nervously. "Well the person that I thought was right for me turned out she wasn't. My second choice was Kriss, and I know I made the right choice."

I know what he meant. We had a falling out, and she was his second choice. It still pained me how we said it so easily.

I fiddled with the ring that I still had on my finger. I liked the thought of it there, so I left it where it was.

"I see. Well we certainly do love you Queen Kriss, and we will certainly love the future Princess of Illéa," Gavril said.

The Report continued on with more news of the Selection before signing off. The TV screen turns off.

Lucas stretched out. "I'm going to bed," He says with a yawn.

"Alright. I'll see you in the morning. I love you," I say as he turns to his room.

"I love you too."

He walks up the stairs to his room. I stand to turn off the TV then go to my room too. The lights are all off, and the only thing guiding me to my room are the hall lights upstairs. I turn them off as I go. Lucas's lights are still on, but I know that he'll get them off.

In my room I change my clothes. The photo is sitting on my dresser. I didn't change it back. It is Maxon and I. It was a sweet photo. Now it wasn't painful anymore. I fiddle with the ring as I look at the photo. A tear escapes my eye, but I quickly wipe it away. Tearing my eyes away from the photo I climb under the soft blankets and get lulled into a deep sleep.

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