1-My Walks

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A/n: I don't own or claim to own the picture. But it's supposed to show what Izzy looks like. I also don't claim to own Durarara. All rights to their original creators.

Izzy's POV

My names Izzy, Izzy Orihara. My big brother Izaya is 23. Then it was me and now I'm 21. Then there's our little sisters Mairu and Kururi who are 14. But of course my brother is chased out of Ikebukuro by Heiwajima Shizuo. He'll always come back anyways.

I trailed around Ikebukuro on the main streets and alleyways. I had on a black t shirt and dark wash denim shorts. Then an airy black jacket and black boots that go to my calves. If I want men to spill information I can't look bad.

Izaya is a information broker. I am a hidden information investigator, but we operate differently. I'm always hidden while he proclaims he's an information broker. Stirring up the gangs and messing with people. Being 'god' in his mind.

Meanwhile I believe people are just people. They can be manipulated, and I don't feel different from them. I know Izaya's attempts to manipulate me. Still I search up stuff for him sometimes.

I roamed around searching for people to get short amounts of information that I needed. I am technically an information broker like him... But hidden investigator sounds better.

My height of 5"2 compared to Izaya's of 5"9 made us different. Then although we had the similar red eyes. His eyes are darker than mine. I had dark brown hair that ended right past my shoulders. While his hair is short, messy and black.

I strolled down an alley. I heard whistles, exactly what I wanted. One ended up grabbing my wrist. I said, "Release." The guy let it go and said, "Hey hottie I'm not a dog." I mumbled, "Then don't act like one." Soon enough I saw a guy trying to creep up on me from my right.

I pulled my switchblade out in my right hand. Ending it right between the guy in front of me's eyes. The blade and handle both solid black. He said, "Whoa chill lady." I said, "Get your guys to back off." Then a smirk landed on his face, "You're smart lady. But not that smart. You think you can beat us?"

He immediately punched me to the cheek and so the fight with me and three guys started. But soon after just getting a few slashes in I heard someone say, "Leave her alone." I turned to see a tall blonde bartender.

The guys scrambled away down the other side of the alley. Is he that scary? He came over to me and I didn't feel threatened so I put my blade back in my jacket pocket. He seems kind of... harmless? Even though he towered over me being over 6"0.

Shizuo's POV

I stared down at a brunette. Her cheek was red, she was probably punched... I had barely noticed her trying to use a pocketknife and defend herself. She stared up at me with big inquisitive eyes. Those eyes... They remind me of someone... Ah that flea! Did he dress... No. He couldn't have. She's a lot shorter. But her eyes?

Izzy's POV

The blonde said, "Orihara?" I said, "Hmm?" He said, "Well, that's kind of rude of me." He stuck out his hand and I calmly grabbed and shook it. He retracted his hand and said, "I'm Hewajima, Shizuo. What's your name?" It's him! The guy that keeps chasing Izaya away!

I said, "Umm it's..." I switched my weight balancing and switching between my legs. I probably look shy. Ah, alias or real? Hmm... Well he hates Izaya. This is Shizu-chan... so this may be interesting.... How will he react to?

I tilted my head slightly and said, "Ah... It's Orihara, Izzy. But... how did you know my last name?" He stared at me as his brown eyes hidden behind glasses slightly widened.

Shizuo's POV

I stared at her. Her name! Dämmit! How did I know her name! Dämn you flea! Her curious eyes stared at me as I finally realized that it was fall. But in front of me she stood in denim shorts, a black t shirt, a thin black jacket and black boots that were just a little below her knees. How is she not freezing?!

I noticed her place both her hands in the respective jacket pockets. I said, "Oh... You remind me of a guy I used to go to school with." She smiled and said, "Ah. Who?" Her eyes seemed to go blank and I couldn't tell her emotions. I don't know if she's happy, sad, mad... I just don't know.

I said, "Um yeah." I rubbed the back of my neck, "A guy that has a similar eye color to you. His name was Orihara Izaya." She said, "Ohhh, so just my big brother. Well that's cool. So you're one of my big brothers former classmates. What was he like in high school?"

Izzy's POV

I stared at him. He seemed cautious and calculating. He said, "Well he always had his pocketknife. And well... besides that he was friends with Shinra. He was calculating and didn't lose his temper." Hmm... Very smart. It's sad Izaya hates you. You calculate your words. That's smart of you. I mumbled, "Oh... That's typical. I guess that's the word..."

He said, "Well he was different but I don't know more of how to describe it." Izaya wanted to kill you saying you were a monster. I turned my head up batting my lashes at him, "Ah! I get it! He was just an outsider." The man placed his hand on his chin then nodded. I smiled, "Well that's good." He said, "I guess..."

Shizuo's POV

I stared at Izzy. Her eyes curiously focused on me. She's so different from that flea. How are they siblings?! Well... she has a pocketknife too. But besides that, she seems so sweet. Much better than that flea!

She said, "Well, thanks for the help. It was nice talking. I'll see you around Hewa-kun." She turned around and walked off with her hair flowing above her shoulders. That's his sister? And Hewa-kun? I don't think she knows me and Izaya's relationship. Ah well... I put another  cigarette in my mouth and lit it.

His Little Sister (Durarara) OC X Shizuo CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now