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Izzy's POV

After a week Shizuo finally trusted me to sleep in a room alone. I had already dyed my hair back to my original dark brown. I'm just Izzy... And I still don't want to stick around. Here or anywhere. I went to stare outside the window. I looked up at the moon and stars. I let out a sigh and continued looking.

I heard a knock at the door but made no move to respond. Soon enough it opened and I knew it was Shizuo. He called out, "Do you like the moon and stars Izzy?" I gently nodded, "Stars burn bright until they burn out and die in an explosion. The moon is just there sticking around while all the stars die around it."

Shizuo sighed, "Izzy... I wished you'd said you liked the lights." I said, "Yeah, I do. But I like that fact more. It feels like it speaks to me." He mentioned, "Stars live for hundreds, no, thousands of years." I said, "Yeah, I know." I turned around and went and sat down on the bed beside him.

He said, "I hope you have a good night." I weakly nodded my head. A good night... Shizuo ruffled my hair then left the room.

After I had waited two hours to be sure he was asleep I left. I walked Ikebukero in black flats and a flowing knee length black dress that had a halter top. I ended up going to my favorite cafe and got a hot chocolate, a piece of paper and a pen. I sat calmly writing on the paper every so often sipping on my drink.

'Dear whoever finds this,

I should be somewhere. I don't know where but this was written on my phone in a prescheduled text. My name was Izzy Orihara. I myself didn't feel up to everything that surrounded me. In the end I'm probably not even identifiable now. Here on the Sutal train tracks in the forested area will have been the last thing I saw. I wish for those I care about to know it wasn't their fault. But of course my text will tell those people as well. The world is cruel at times. I don't want to be tough. So I'll accept whatever was to come next. I hope it doesn't hurt you to hear, but goodbye. Goodbye to everything including you, the person who found my shoes.

-Izzy Orihara'

I gave the waitress back her pen before I left. I have the text scheduled. I glanced at the clock tower, for now. The train will be leaving the station. Now I just have to head to the woods.

I stood beside the tracks. I'm kind of pitiful... I only even sent the text to Shizuo and Izaya. I left my phone and wallet so Shizuo couldn't track me and I always forgive Izaya so easily. I let out a puff of cold air. I took off my shoes gently placing them a few feet from the tracks and placing the note inside one.

I went and sat on the tracks. I stared up at the stars. I heard the train in the distance, peace. Yet the next thing I knew I was pulled by my hair off the tracks and shoved down. I turned around to notice Izaya. I went to get past him.

We ended up pushing eventually I was flat on my back. He straddled my waist, "Snap out of it Izzy!" I flung my arms and he grew frustrated. He pulled out his knife and opened it. He let me see it above my face, "Izzy. You have got to calm down. What happened? You've been shot, you've been bullied. What set it off?" Soon enough Shinra's girl Celty came calmly walking over. She shook her head no at me.

I said, "You're knife is no threat." Izaya shrugged in a carefree manner, "Izzy, I know more about you than you think." I looked at Celty, she must have brought him here on her motorcycle. Soon enough I heard panting. I moved my head to see Shizuo just come out from the trees.

He had on black basketball shorts, a blue t-shirt and untied tennis shoes. He said, "IZAYA?!" Celty held her hand in a stop symbol then moved towards a heavy breathing Shizuo.

Shizuo's POV

Celty came over and started typing on her phone. I stared at the flea who was trying to look tough above Izzy. His knife was out and pointed towards her. Celty turned her phone and at that moment the train went by.  I read, "Shizuo it's okay. Izaya pulled her of the tracks. He's threatening her yes, but he's trying to do what's best."

I said, "I know what to do though." I started to move to walk over but I noticed it had changed. Izaya had put his knife away. Izzy's face was covered by her hands. I could hear her soft sniffles. I went to move towards her again but Izaya shot a glare and I stood still watching.

Izaya's POV

I stared down at Izzy from on top of her. I'd hate to show this side in front of that monster but I guess I don't have a choice. I gently pulled her hands from her face. I moved them and let them clutch my coat. I threw my right leg back to the other side. I placed an arm under her back. I pulled her to where she sat up.

I sat down and turned her. I sat criss cross and eventually moved her to be in my lap facing me. Her head tucked itself into my neck as her arms wrapped around my back. I gently rubbed up and down on her back. I glanced back and saw Celty and Shizuo still watching me. Why does this monster have to see this?

I let out a gentle sigh, "Izzy... it's okay. I'm right here." She continued crying into my neck as I kept rubbing her back. Soon enough Shizuo started walking over and my glare no longer deterred him. I wanted to run away but felt Izzy made the situation different.

Shizuo's POV

I reached the flea holding Izzy. I felt his consistent glare but moved to where I was on my knees. I sat on my legs and started rubbing her lower back. I sighed, "Izzy... We don't want you dead." Izaya had moved to be looking at her with a sad look. I said, "Izzy, you may need to go to an institute."

Izzy's sobbing got slightly louder. I sighed, "At least get depression medicine." Izzy pushed at Izaya's chest he let her move away but still cautiously held her. Soon enough she forced her way out of his arms.

She started to go to run away but I stood up and grabbed her wrist. She stated, "Let go." She tried to pry away my hand with her other hand. Izaya stood up dusting himself off, "Izzy, you're not stronger than him. You can't be."

Izzy said, "I'm done though! I've lost something I held dear!" She tugged harder but I wasn't going to budge. Tears streamed down her face. I said, "What'd you lose?" Izaya said, "I can probably find something if you need it." I said, "Izzy?" Her tears were increasing, "You can't... Neither of you can!"

Me and the fleas eyes meet in confusion. In unison we uttered, "Neither of us?" Our eyes went to her again. Celty came beside me gently rubbing Izzy's shoulder. She typed on her phone but then erased it. Izzy slowly sunk down and I went down with her. I sat still clutching her wrist. Then the train passed blowing its whistle as it went.

I packed her slowly and Izaya cautiously followed me. Her eyes were really dull and she had stopped resisting. Eventually we ended up at Shinra's. Celty opened the door and we heard, "sweetheart." All of us slowly huddled in including Izaya who kept cautiously watching me.

His Little Sister (Durarara) OC X Shizuo CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now