5-Regain Footing

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Shizuo's POV

I stared at the document it was from a hospital again.
Orihara, Izzy   Age:15
After 2 days in a coma and 6 more days in the hospital Orihara is being released to her older brother. It was discovered that she attempted suicide in response to bullying in her 1st year of high school. Her brother, a third year, is now to be her temporary guardian while her parents are currently out of Japan. She had 34 mixed pill tablets removed from her stomach by surgery. In total resulting in 14 stitches. Being sent home to be supervised by family while recovering over the next two months.

I clicked to the next document.
Patient Izzy Orihara
After 9 one hour sessions I can conclude that Izzy is sane. That her attempt was simply a wrong action on her part. I Gentila Froman declare her mentally well and stable. No further sessions will occur.  -Gentila Froman

I stared at the page. There was no next. Shinra came over and placed a hand on my shoulder as I exited out of the page. He said, "So what'd you learn about your friend?" I said, "Well, um. She apparently tried to commit suicide due to bullying during high school. But then she was declared mentally sane."

Shinra said, "Well then I'm glad your friends alive. Will you be handling her treatment payment?" I nodded my head, "Yeah. I was the reason she got hurt. I walked her right back to the gangs clutches on accident."

Izzy's POV

My eyes slowly opened. I stared up at a ceiling. Oh, I'm still alive? Wait... I can't swim so... I forced myself to sit up. I noticed a guy sitting in a computer chair. He turned himself around and I stared at his brown hair and glasses. I've seen him in pictures. Haven't I?

He smiled, "It's good to see you up. Shizuo brought you here Izzy. We suctioned the water out of your lungs and stitched up your bullet wounds." I looked at him knowing I was dazed, "Um... Shizuo?" He smiled, "Yeah Shizuo Hewijma, your friend. What's the last thing you remember?" Oh he's Izaya's friend that's a doctor. But, what's his name?

I shook my head slightly, "Uh.. Going over the railing after staring at that man and woman with bubblegum. My body hit the water then... I don't know, I thought I was dead." He lightly grinned, "Shizuo got you out of the water and brought you to me. Do you know how long you were out?" I said, "A day or two?"

He shook his head no, "It's been eight days. I was getting concerned you wouldn't wake up." I mumbled, "oh..." He said, "Your birthday is in six days." I felt slightly shocked, "O-oh." Shizuo came in the door, "Shinra so how is..." then his eyes landed on me. Shinra, how'd I forget it.

He walked over to me and gently placed his hand on my head, "I'm glad to see your eyes open again Izzy." I said, "I didn't expect them too." Shizuo sat on my bed. His face looked gloomy, "H-hey I hope... hope you know I didn't mean to..." My head unconsciously tilted, "Didn't mean to what?"

Shizuo put a hand on the back of his neck, "I was the reason you got lead back to the gangs clutches." I shook my head no, "Nah. Don't worry about it, it was my choice. I let you walk me home." Shizuo stared at me, "Then why didn't you go back home?"

I bit my lip then said, "Wellll that's a different story." The brunette said, "Shizuo can we go talk in my room?" They both stood up and walked off. I stared up at the blood bag, O. How did they...

Shizuo's POV

I closed the door behind me. Shinra said, "She seems intriguing. When she said she thought she was dead there seemed to be no life in her eyes. She was just like... I don't know... A shell?" I said, "Izzy is fine. She's probably in shock that she's alive right now."

Shinra let out a sigh, "Tomorrow I think I'll call him to pick he up." I said, "That flea doesn't need to be near her." Shinra stared at me, "Izaya is her brother. He'd come to Ikebukuro get his sister and leave. I doubt he'd stick around with her hurt."

Like I'd let him be here anyway! I stated, "But she's nothing like him!" She's completely different from that flea! Shinra stared at me with a blank face, "Do you know her profession?" I stated, "No, but it doesn't matter." Shinra said, "She's a..."

I cut him off, "Look it doesn't matter, I'll take her to my place. It's better than her being near that flea." I noticed Shinra hold a smile but a sad look in his eyes. I turned around and walked back into the room. I noticed Izzy's bed empty. The money laying on top of it, all in 100s. The monitor unplugged and the IVs removed. Izzy?

Shinra came into the room, "Izzy, Izzy, Izzy. You never change." I turned to him and grabbed him by his shirt, "What do you mean she never changed?" Shinra put up his hands and I dropped him. He coughed a bit then said, "She's only been here once, Izaya brought her. She ran before I even saw her awake but she always leaves cash on the bed."

I said, "Do you know where she'd go?" Shinra thought about it then said, "Probably home. She'll probably pack up and skip town. She'll probably go to Izaya's for safety. Especially if there's more people targeting her." I said, "Dämn it." Then ran out the door.

I ran down streets seeing scared faces. They don't have much to worry about. I'm not chasing the flea. I kept going till I ended up at her apartment. I looked and noticed a halfway open door. I slowly walked to it and went in. A couch was visibly tipped over and slashed up. There laid shards of glass along to floor.

I went inside and left the door only cracked. The kitchen in my sight looked trashed. Food was scattered all over the place. Who did this? That gang? I walked to the hallway and noticed 3 doors open.

I walked into one to see a duffel bag on a bed slightly overflowing with clothes. The room looked trashed but no clothes were on the floor. The drawers were all open. The closet door completely of its hinges. I left it then went into the bathroom. Pills were scattered all over the floor. Did she...

I went and yanked open the closed shower curtain only to reveal 'GO TO HELL' written in black spray paint. A sigh of relief escaped my lips. I went down the hall and into the last room. I saw Izzy on the bed with her head hung down. Her dark brown hair covered her face as she looked at the photo frame in her hands.

I said, "Um... Izzy." She looked up and her red eyes immediately snapped to mine. She said, "O-oh Hewa-kun..." I said, "I see what the gang did." I noticed her put on a smile as her eyes went blank, "Yeah, stole my laptop too... Good thing I erased its hard drive a couple days before it happened."

I said, "Izzy, want to stay with me?" She shook her head, "No, I'll be fine. Just came here to pack up." She stood up, "This photo is the last thing I need." She started walking to the door. Say something idiot. I said, "Iz-chan, it's fine. You can come to my place, at least till the gangs off your back."

She smiled slightly, "It's fine. I won't, that's to kind. But I'll stay there for tonight, it's getting late. I'll head somewhere else tomorrow." I said, "Oh yeah, why'd the gang call you Jomi something?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "That's just an alias. It's cause a lot of people hate me." I said, "Then why'd you tell me your real name Izzy?" She said, "I don't know anymore. I don't know why I didn't use my alias, I just didn't." With that she completely left the room.

His Little Sister (Durarara) OC X Shizuo CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now