Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Ding…  Dong… Ding… Dong…

“NATALIE COULD YOU GET THE DOOR.” My sister Ashley said. “It’s probably Nate and Cole.”

“Sure.” I said and went to open the door and just as she expected it was Nate and Cole.

“Natalie sweetheart, how are you?” Nate said opening his arms for a hug and as much as I wanted to hug him I couldn’t show him that and besides I loved to annoy him, so I plastered a flat look on my face “Don’t call me sweetheart.” I said and dodged his hug.

“Hey Natalie.” Cole said “How are you?”

 “Hey Cole.” I said giving him a hug while Nate gapped at me.

“What the- And you said you didn’t hate me.” Nate said pouting. “Where’s Ashley I need some love.”

“Ashley!!!” Nate yelled.


“Where are you? I need some love.” Nate yelled.

“What are you talking about?” Ashley said smiling.

“Your sister here is being mean.”

“Why, what did she do?”

“She declined one of my hugs. I mean who does that. I gave her a free hug and she declined it and then she goes and hugs Cole, and we all know that my hugs are better than Cole right?” Nate said, and before she answered I saw a flicker of what looked to be like jealousy pass in Ashley’s eyes when Nate mentioned that I accepted the hug from Cole but I couldn’t be a hundred percent sure because it was gone as soon as it appeared. 

“Of course they are. Your hugs are the best in the world. Now why don’t you give me one of your amazing hugs because I seem to be deprived of your hugs” Ashley said opening her arms for Nate to hug her, which he seemed happy to give.

“Aww, don’t be mad. I really don’t hate you.” I said laughing.

“Ha, you’re just jealous because I gave Ashley one of my famous hugs and now you want one, but guess what I’m not going to give you one after you rejected me.” Nate said sticking his tongue out.

“Dude, sometimes I wonder whether you’re 5 rather than 18.”Cole said while Nate glared at him.

“Let’s just get to work” Nate said.


I was lying on the couch in the living room with my eyes closed listening to music while Ashley and the guys were sitting on the table and srudying, when I felt a tap on my shoulders and felt the headphones being pulled out of my ears. I opened my eyes to see who disturbed me and I found myself staring into the brown eyes of my cousin Lincoln Wallace. Lincoln is our closest cousin, he is Ashley and I’s guardian, however he doesn’t act as our guardian unless necessary he usually just let’s Ashley deal with me, and since Ashley is an angel and doesn’t cause trouble then he doesn’t have to deal with her. He’s one of the best cops in New York and is one of the hottest too, with his honey colored eyes, tanned skin, jet black hair, and six pack, even I can’t help but admit that he’s hot even though I don’t have any feeling for him. But unfortunately for all the ladies out there he’s happily married to one of my best friends since childhood and has an adorable but annoying little devil of a son.

“Hey link.” I said casually giving him a hug.

“Don’t ‘hey link’ me.” He said. “You’re in deep trouble missy.”

“Why? What did I do?” I asked.

“Don’t act all innocent on me. I got a phone call from your principal telling me about the prank with the water and soap on your first day. Or did you forget about it.” He yelled. I burst out laughing as I remembered the principals shocked look as he slipped.

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