Michael Imagine (a bit smutty)

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You and Michael knew each other inside and out; mentally, physically, and sexually. He knew what you liked and you knew what he liked. One thing about Michael, he was all about trying new things and was always suggesting new things.

"Babe?" Michael yelled, stepping into the house, "Where are you?"

"The kitchen!" you yelled back, standing on your tip toes, placing another coffee cup in the cupboard as you put away dishes.

Michael came up behind you and gripped your waist in his large hands, making you giggle.

"Hi, Mikey," you said, turning around and leaning up to peck him lips. You looked at the bag in his hands. "What's that?"

He smirked at you and leaned close to your ear, "It's for tonight."

You blushed, "Can't wait."

That night, you slipped on your matching red and black silk lace bra and panties and walked out of the bathroom where Michael stood by the bed, pulling something out of the bag. He turned to you with a smirk, hiding his hands behind his back.

"You look hot," he said lustfully, eyeing you up and down.

"Thanks," you said, walking towards him, "What's behind your back?"

He smirked at you and pulled out a pair of fluffy handcuffs.

You raised your eyebrow at him and giggled lightly while he shrugged.

"We've never tried it before and I've heard it's hot."

"So who's getting tied down?" you asked, grabbing one of the cuffs, "You or me?"

He smirked and licked his lips, "You're in control tonight."

You pushed him back on the bed and straddled his waist, slowly sliding his shirt up his body. He arched his back to help you pull the material off of his body. You pulled his hands onto your bare lap, letting his hands brush the inside of your thigh, sending a rush of pleasure through both of you. You grabbed the cuff and locked it around his left wrist and brought it up to the headboard. You slipped it through one of the railing bars and grabbed his right hand, bringing it up and locking it into place. You slowly brought your lips to his forehead and kissed down his face, then down his neck. He moaned under your touch and began to squirm, causing you to giggle. You moved your lips down his chest, stopping right above the waist band of his black skinny jeans. You brought your hands to the button and pulled it out of place. You slowly unzipped the zipper over the growing erection.

"Shit, hurry up," he muttered.

You giggled, poking his stomach and leaning up to peck his lips, "I'm in charge, remember?"

He groaned and you moved back to his jeans, slowly slipping them off.

You both laughed as you struggled to get the right material off his body.

"Don't laugh at me Clifford," you warned teasingly, "I could just leave you tied up here with a boner."

He quickly shut up and looked at you with wide eyes, shaking his head. You smiled and continued pulling down his jeans, finally managing to get them off.

You played with the waist band of his boxers, snapping them against his skin a few times, making him moan softly.

"Mouth or hands?" you asked him, leaning up and purposefully palming his manhood, making him moan loudly and arch his back.

"Mmm, both," he muttered.

"Ah, ah, Clifford," you said, "I'm in charge. You're lucky I'm even giving you an option. One or the other."

He groaned in frustration, "Fine. Hands."

You smirked and pulled his boxers down teasingly slow. You took hold of him and gave him what he wanted, leaving bruises on both of his wrists the next morning from all the tugging against the restraints he endured.

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