8. Nightmare

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(A/N): OH MY THOR!! I CAN'T BELIEVE MY FIRST EVER STORY HAS OVER 130 VIEWS SO FAR!!! I'M FREAKING OUT!!!! THANK YOU READERS SO MUCH THIS IS AMAZING!!!!! Alrighty then, now back to your regularly scheduled program...

~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~

When we got home it was late and everyone was already asleep, so we said our good night's and headed our separate ways to our rooms. I crawled into bed to the right of Wanda. I can't sleep. Suddenly Wanda stirred beside me, a frown creasing her brow. "No" a strangled, raw, and vulnerable voice escaped her. "N-no, no, no, n-no, no! N-ot ag-gain" a lone tear slid down the bridge of her nose.

I instantly leaned over and lightly shook her shoulder, "Wands! Wands wake up!" I whisper-shouted in her ear as I grew increasingly worried. At the sound of my voice her powers must've activated, for bloody red blurred my vision.

When the crimson cleared, I was watching as Wanda was pulled down the hallway by someone in an all black Hydra uniform, who's face's obscured. Apparently she wasn't going fast enough which caused him to forcefully yank her forward while continuing on.

The scene changed with a flash of red. The figure was holding her hand on Loki's scepter.

The images played out before me quickly but slow enough that I could understand what was happening.

Red. She's pretending to be asleep on a thin, hard, super uncomfortable bed, straining to hear what the scientists were discussing in the other room. "... She is already a mutant! Using her, we can advance with our plan. The sceptre is perfectly enhancing her abilities! She couldn't do half the things she can now when we brought her in! Tomorrow we'll introduce her D.N.A. to the volunteers and see who will gain the powers..." They were speaking in a language I didn't know but yet somehow I could understand? Wanda, is she translating for me?

Red. Wanda's being held by her arms by two agents, standing before her is a line of people who's ages vary from late teens to early 40's. A man in a lab coat, who strangely resembled Arnim Zola, drew one vial of her blood per each individual. One by one they started to be injected. The first in the line fell to the ground seizing while the ones still waiting to get the shot, horrified, tried to get away. Once they had all fallen, people in gray-white lab coats bustled forward to check on the participants. Each one slowly looked up and shook their heads. 'They're dead!' I could hear the exhausted girl think.

Red. She's in the same room as before, but there are no sign of the bodies and she's strapped to a chair in the centre of the room. "It'll work this time! His genetics are similar and more likely to bond." the Zola-look-alike hisses softly to someone to the side who isn't visible. I look away from Wanda's worn out expression and notice who Zola's doppelganger is referring to. PEITRO! The brown haired Sokovian is shifting nervously on his feet. The man draws more blood and injects Peit as a fearful-looking Wanda watches. He falls. 'NO!' The scientist rushes over and looks back over to... nod? He nodded! He's alive!

Red. This time I don't see anything, I can only listen, "They say the male test-subject got his speed and hair coloring because she has a male twin with the same mutation..."

Red. Wanda is being forced to train the new speedster. 'This is my favorite part of the day, the only enjoyable thing I do.'

Red. Its months later and I can tell the two have become close, I can feel the brunette's sisterly emotions towards the smiling boy.

Red. It's the day the Avengers take the Hydra base, I watch events I'm familiar with, but from a different perspective. The only reason she fights is because the Hydra operatives above her threaten Pietro, who she's become very close with. To her, it's like she's become a part of a trio of triplets instead of a pair of twins and he's the third sibling.

Red. She's in a concrete building having a hushed conversation with her silver-haired companion. "I don't trust Ultron, I don't think we should be helping him!" "Relax, I think we should stay with them for a while, let's see where this is going." Despite his words I could hear the doubt in his voice.

Red. She's fighting the many Ultron-bots, defending the device. All of the sudden I feel a piercing pain as if I have been shot through the center of my heart. Both Wands and I fall to the ground screaming in pain. The grief washes over us like a tsunami. We drown in the giant wave. 'He's gone. Peitro's gone.' Wanda can feel this because she's linked to him through their shared connection, while I experience it through Wands. We both are ugly crying as our combined powers burst outward destroying the last of the metal humanoids.


"(Y/N)! WANDA! WAKE UP!" A worried voice shouts distantly.

Suddenly I'm laying back on the bed. As we both wake I notice red and (F/C) streaks retreating back to us and dropping all the furniture in the room which they had been lifting. I look at the window and see that it had been shattered in our break-down. My worried-looking boyfriend is standing over his sister and I. Each of his hands on one of our shoulders, I assume from him shaking us awake. Wanda, now awake, quickly sits up. Her face is streaked with tear tracks and new ones are still spilling. My own tears are trailing down my face. I engulf Wanda in a desperate embrace as we cry into each other's hair. Peter looks very concerned but doesn't ask, instead he gives us space.

(A/N): I'm sorry this didn't have much Peter in it, but I thought I should give an explanation to Wanda and Peitro's relationship since in this Peter is quicksilver.


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