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to: the Losers Club
from: ____

Today, 3:30 am

guys, I really don't wanna be up at this hour to tell you all this but...

redhead bevvie
is something wrong?

wheezy kaspbrak
if my mommy finds out I'm up at this hour...

trashmouth tozier
aw how sweet
if your 'mommy' finds out, I can protect you

wheezy kaspbrak
shut the fuck up, trashmouth

trashmouth tozier
now, that's no way to treat your boyfriend

wheezy kaspbrak

redhead bevvie
once again, is something wrong?
besides Richie.

uh, I mean, it's not anything bad
it's just that uh,
you know what
never mind
i don't wanna bother any of y'all...
and uh,

redhead bevvie
___, is there something you'd like to tell us?

wheezy kaspbrak
i mean, I would say I have all night but I don't so...

trashmouth tozier
let the woman talk, hon

wheezy kaspbrak
oh god

so, there was an issue

mike the farm boy
what type of issue?

one involving one of the members of the Losers Club
one that I will not disclose the name of
because they are obviously in this chat

trashmouth tozier
did you and another loser do it?

shut up, Richie
so, as I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted by the trashmouth himself,
i might've made a mistake

innocent ben
what's going on?
it's three in the morning.
could this not wait until tomorrow?

trashmouth tozier
doesn't sound like it

redhead bevvie
____, please continue

so you all know that I've wanted one particular person to be with me for a while right?

stuttering bill
oh, yes
believe me,
we know

redhead bevvie
richie, give Bill back his phone

trashmouth tozier
hey, I'm back on my own phone now
as requested by miss Beverly marsh herself :)

as I was saying,
i thought that I'd have him over

mike the farm boy
and you though that was a good idea because...?

because -

redhead bevvie
because she likes him so much
please continue

so I did
i invited him over
we talked
it was very awkward
but now it's really early in the morning, I'm texting you guys because
he's sleeping next to me
in my bed
with me
arms around me and everything
and I'm not sure what to do about it

innocent ben
there is only one person in this chat who isn't responding

stuttering bill
and he always says something sassy or rolls his eyes

wheezy kaspbrak
you dont mean to tell me...

redhead bevvie
yep, sorry eds
it's who you're thinking of

trashmouth tozier
so you and Uris finally got together, huh?
thought we had a thing, Love

you just confessed your dying love for eddie

trashmouth tozier
really? when
it never happened
it was all a lie if it did
sorry, eds

wheezy kaspbrak
no hurt taken

redhead bevvie
i think play it cool, ____
go along with it all
let him do whatever to get his feelings cleanly across to you before you make a move

okay, thanks guys

innocent ben
goodnight, ____.

trashmouth tozier
goodnight, doll

to: stan the man uris
from: ____

Today, 6:45 pm

so about last night

if it made you in any way uncomfortable, I am so sorry that I did it
i just got tired
and you were there
and I really like you and I guess I just thought

you like me?


are you serious?

should I not like you or something??

no, no
it's just that
i thought this was a one way street

guess you thought wrong :)

how sweet, Uris

if you wanna call me boyfriend, I'll accept that too

well I'll see you in ten minutes then, BOYFRIEND

see you in five

longer because I'm in a good mood @ like 2 in the morning😂.


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