793 18 5

to: The Losers Groupchat
from: _____

redhead bevvie
hey guys!!
don't forget to bring food to this whole ordeal by the way

trashmouth tozier
ah, yes, of course.
because what demonic clown conversation isn't complete without sandwiches?

mike the farm boy
shut up richie

stan the man uris
*rolls eyes*

wheezy kaspbrak
____? you okay?

trashmouth tozier
hey, eds.
how's it going.

wheezy kaspbrak

trashmouth tozier
your mom sure thinks so too.

innocent ben
oh my god shut up, richie

yeah i'm fine.
what should i bring again?
my mind is just scattered.

trashmouth tozier
is it because of someone *winks* in particular??

it's definitely not about you, richie.

wheezy kaspbrak

stan the man uris
____, is everything okay?

stuttering bill
yeah, ____ are you alright?

redhead bevvie

i can't

stan the man uris
nothing is okay.
i'm coming over.

trashmouth tozier
yeah same.

no richie. it's okay.

trashmouth tozier
so stan can come but i can't?

it's okay.

to: stan the man uris
from: ______

2:30 pm



you haven't told them, have you.


you have to eventually tell them.
i can't keep pretending.

how am i supposed to say that we're dating now? that wouldn't be easy to tell.

we'll figure something out but we have to talk to them.
because i know how badly they all want me to get together with someone else..



i'll figure something out.

are you sure?

yes, of course.

good :)
thank you.

to: The Losers Groupchat
from: _____

trashmouth tozier
okay, ____, something is definitely up with you
you're dating someone

stuttering bill
_____, are you?

yeah... why

redhead bevvie
omg is it richie?????
did it finally happen?????


wheezy kaspbrak
omg who is it

stan the man uris
it's me

you guys may have wanted me to date richie but i don't like him like that...
i like stan- i love him.
i wanted him so here we are.

redhead bevvie
honestly i thought you two would be good together but you & stan seem really happy:)

stuttering bill
aw i'm happy for you two

trashmouth tozier
fuck me, i want you
well, wanted

... sorry richie

stan the man uris
no hurt feelings????

trashmouth tozier
of course not
you two are perfect for each other haha

i love you, stan

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