Hello Hazel

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A/N Hey guys, Percy Jackson is one of my favourite books, and as of late I have been reading many Percy Jackson Facebook chats and as a consequence I have decided to attempt to write a PJ Facebook chat ~ Dylstylez

Hazel Levesque has joined Facebook

Hazel Levesque is now friends with Frank Zhang, Percy Jackson and 200 others

Hazel Levesque is now in a relationship with Frank Zhang

Hazel Levesque updated her status: Hi guys

Frank Zhang and 200 other people like this


Annabeth Chase: Frank! I believe I told you to help her get Facebook 1 week 4 days 2 hours 36 minutes and 12 seconds ago!

Frank Zhang: Ummm... I may or may not have of forgotten *scratches head sheepishly*

Percy Jackson: Haha you just got tooooollld!!!! <3 u Wise Girl

Annabeth Chase: *told <3 u too Seaweed Brain

Leo(Swagman) Valdez: *pukes on Jason* ewwww ewwww PDA!!!! Get a room!!!!

Annabeth Chase: *public *display *of *affection Valdez change your name

Leo(Swagman) Valdez: Neva!!!

Annabeth Chase: *never

Leo(Swagman) Valdez: ~comment removed due to inappropriate language~

Percy Jackson: hi Hazel! How are you?

Percy Jackson: Hazel do you know how to comment, wait wait i'll be there soon!

Hazel Levesque: Thanks Percy Jackson!

Annabeth Chase: *? *I'll Good boy Seaweed Brain

Percy Jackson: you're welcome Hazel and umm... thanks Annabeth?

Leo Valdez: Annabeth you happy now?!??!

Annabeth Chase: I'm mildly pleased you changed your name to what it is supposed to be

Hazel Levesque: ummm... does anyone else think it's kind of weird that I have over 200 friends

Frank Zhang and 201 others like this

Percy Jackson: It's ok Hazel just wait a few days and then everyone else will friend you :)

Hazel Levesque: Percy that wasn't what I meant

Percy Jackson: *sad voice* oh :'(

Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez and 3,587 people like this

Percy Jackson: You guys are mean :'(

Nico DiAngelo likes this

Percy Jackson: Nico?

Nico DiAngelo: wat?

Annabeth Chase: *what

Percy Jackson likes this

Hazel Levesque: this is getting weird I'm logging off (is that what it's called?)

Annabeth Chase: Bye Hazel and yes it is called logging off :)

Percy Jackson: bye

Frank Zhang: Percy you're sitting right next to her!

Percy Jackson: and? your point is?

Frank Zhang: *throws table* really?!?! ugh just never mind I'm just gonna leave

Percy Jackson: K

A/N Hey guys [and girls], hope you liked the first chapter I thought it would be fitting for Hazel to be the last one to join Facebook as she isn't accustomed to this century, votes and contrastive comments welcomed have fun and I'll see you in the next chapter ~ Dylstylez

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