Episode 4

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Synopsis Eps 4

one Month later

in a message swara says if she goes to baadi and asks sanskar not to worry. Sanskar contacted Swara and asked her where. Swara says she is still in baadi. sanskar said I will pick you up. but at that time sharma came in his room and said if sanskar forgot one file he has not read and signature. because the file is very important for meeting tomorrow. sanskar asks sharma to be silent. swara hear their conversation on the phone. She said she would go home alone and sanskar not to worry. swara hung up. sharma apologize. sanskar asks for file that is said sharma. sanskar realize this is very important. he opened the laptop but the data left at home. sharma suggested to go home and do home. they are go to home together. night before, swara back home. She went to the kitchen to prepare food. but mohini say if sanskar and sharma have eaten. Swara went to her room. She sees sanskar and sharma in the workroom with their work. Swara does not want to disturb them. swara entered the room. a few hours later. sanskar did not come to the room either. swara picked up a hot tea for sanskar. but at that time she saw sharma and sanskar drinking tea together. sanskar praises artificial tea sharma. swara asks mohini to bring back her tea in the kitchen. Swara was surprised to see Sharma approaching her husband and caressing her lips. swara entered and shocked them. Swara said to stop their work. and ask for sanskar break. but Sanskar refused because his work has not been completed. swara angry and leave them. Sharma asks Sanskar to rest and he will continue his work

In the morning.  Swara does not speak with Sanskar. Sanskar asks if she is angry? . swara says no, she asks sanskar for a quick breakfast. sanskar and sharma go to the office together because they have meetings. after the meeting is over. sanskar is very happy because he got a new project. he thanks to sharma for all because of it. Sharma says if all of this works together. Sanskar offers sharma to eat together to celebrate their success. in a mall, ragini and swara go together. they buy something, ragini and swara visit accessories shop. from a distance swara see someone like sanskar. she kept watching him. Swara opens the phone and sends a message. I'm in the ofgice sanskar writing in his message. swara surprised, he saw sharma and sanskar is here too.


1 Bulan berlalu

" Sanskar aku pergi ke baadi untuk bertemu ibu,  kau tidak perlu khawatir." tulis swara dalam pesannya

Sanskar menghela nafas,  dia menelpon swara

"Hallo swara "

"Sanskar ada apa?  Kau tidak membaca pesanku? "

"Aku membacanya dan aku langsung menelponmu "

"Kau sudah pulang dari kantor? "

"Belum,  aku baru mau pulang.  Swara kau masih di baadi? "

"Sanskar,  coba lihat ini.  Ini file yang belum kau kerjakan.  Sementara besok kita akan meeting dengan membawa file ini" ucap sharma memasuki ruangan sanskar

Sanskar menganggukan kepala dan memintanya diam.  Sharma menyadari jika sanskar sedang menelpon seseorang. 

"Swara,  kau pulang jam berapa? Aku akan menjemputmu "

"Tidak perlu sanskar , aku bisa pulang sendiri.  Kau sedang banyak pekerjaan,  kerjakan saja pekerjaanmu.  Jangan khawatir aku akan pulang dan baik-baik saja.  Sampai jumpa "

Swara menutup telponnya

"Maafkan aku,  aku tidak tau jika kau... " ucap sharma

"Tidak masalah,  berikan filenya.  Bagaimana mungkin aku lupa hal sepenting ini "

Who Are You ?? (Proses Editing) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang