Episode 8

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Synopsis eps 8

swara awakens sanskar in the morning. sanskar lazy. swara nausea. She went to the bathroom and vomiting there. Sanskar heard it, he got up and went to his wife. sanskar anxious. he said swara you're okay. swara answered me fine. but swara continues to vomit. sanskar confused. What should he do. sanskar massaging the shoulders of swara. swara improved. Sanskar carries swara sitting on the bed. sanskar picks up warm tea. but swara refused. swara wants ginger milk. sanskar made it for her. but he does not know how to make it. sanskar asked mohini to make it. swara wait a long time. She went looking for sanskar. sanskar hears and asks mohini to leave. sanskar tells swara if the drink will be finished as soon.

swara drink, ginger tea. she was glad that her husband granted her request. swara said thank you, and embraced sanskar. but swara says sanskar smell. he told Sanskar to shower first. Swara meets Sanskar after he finishes taking a bath. She says if he wants something. but Swara says if she smells and asks he to change clothes. sanskar obey. but swara says he smells. sanskar confused. swara asks, what he uses. sanskar show perfume. swara throw it away. swara asks sanskar to change clothes again.

3 months later

swara calls sanskar. She asked Sanskar to go home. but sanskar has a job. swara angry. on the phone she felt her stomach ache. sanskar worried. he asked if swara was okay. swara did not answer. She hung up. Sanskar worried and immediately went home. arrived home, sanskar yelled for swara. swara approached him. Sanskar sees Swara and asks what happened to her. swara says if she's okay. sanskar says swara deceived him. swara laughed. She approached sanskar and seduced him. they stared at each other. swara unbutton sans shirt one by one. sanskar surprised. what are you doing? swara does not care. She kept stroking sanskar. Sanskar says if anyone sees it. swara says no problem. swara says if she wants puchka. swara approaches sanskar neck and will kiss him. when swara will kiss sanskar neck. sujata and anapurna come, see them.


"Sanskar, ayo bangun. Ini sudah jam 8, jangan karena hari minggu kau bermalas-malasan yah"

"Mmmmmm" geram sanskar
menutupi wajahnya dengan bantal

Swara merasakan dirinya mual dan menutup mulutnya. Dia berusaha untuk tidak muntah, namun dia merasa tidak tahan. Swara berlari ke kamar mandi, dan berkali-kali mundah disana. Sanskar mendengarkannya. Dia terkejut dan bangun lalu menghampiri swara dikamar mandi.

"Swara kau tidak apa-apa? Kau baik-baik saja "

Swara tidak menjawab, dia hanya mengangguk dan kembali muntah.

Sanskar kebingungan

"Apa yang harus aku lakukan "

Sanskar menyentuh bahu swara dan mulai memijitnya.

"Kau sudah lebih baik "

"Sedikit "

"Ayooo, kau istirahat saja. Aku akan membuatkan teh untukmu "

Sanskar membawa swara duduk di pinggiran ranjang. Dia berlari keluar untuk membuatkan teh.

Sesaat kemudian, sanskar datang dengan secangkir teh hangat. Dan memberikannya pada swara

"Swara , ayo kau minum dulu ini. Selagi masih hangat"

Swara menggelengkan kepalanya dia menutup mulutnya

"Kenapa? "

"Aku tidak mau ini, aku masu susu jahe "

"Susu jahe? "

"Iya. Cepat sanskar "

"Baiklah aku akan membuatkannya. Kau tunggu disini "

Who Are You ?? (Proses Editing) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang