Destery vs Johnny, Nightime Battle

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Nightime Battle

“Destery! I have returned!” A voice cried out in the middle of the night. Destery woke with a start, and looked around his dark room. There by his open window was none other than Johnny, Destery’s evil enemy.

“What the bleep are you doing here?!?” Destery cried out, throwing his hands up in a dramatic fashion.

“To get revenge!” Johnny yelled, and Destery hoped he hadn’t awoken his neighbors.

“Wait, I thought I defeated you one and for all the other day.” Destery questioned to himself, rubbing his eyes. “Hey! How do you know where I live?!?” Destery cried out, throwing his hands back again, but this time he knocked over a lamp. It crashed to the floor without much notice from the two.

“Umm…Well…” Johnny stuttered, and then looked up at Destery. “There is no time for silly questions. You must be defeated!” Then, using his mind powers, began to lift the fallen lamp up.

Destery, seeing this, freaked. “Not my lamp you bastard!” He screamed, grabbing the glass of water beside his bed. “Don’t make me use this!” He threatened, holding it up and getting into a ninja stance.

“Not water!” Johnny’s eyes grew wide. He looked around, dropping the lamp. “Take one step closer and the fan gets it!” He threatened back, running over and giving the fan a choke hold.

“No!!! NOT MY FAN!!” At this point, Destery didn’t care if the cops were called, no one messed with his fan.

He lept forward in a slow motion, raising the glass of water above his head. Johnny started at him, wide eyed, as the cup tipped forward and slowly poured out onto his head.

 “WATER!! NO!!” Johnny cried out in pain. “Your fan is dead.” But he couldn’t do anything, he was rendered helpless.

Too bad the fan had also gotten covered in water, and was starting to short out. “No fan! You can’t do this to me! We had such a wonderful relationship together! You can’t leave me!” Destery had knelt down next to the fan, petting it and whispering to it. But it was gone.

“NOO!!!” Destery cried out in dismay.

"Hey man that water was cold!" Johnny announced, shaking his wet head.

"You killed my fan dude." Destery snapped back. "YOU DESERVED IT!"

“I am too weak to fight in this state. You may have won this time Destery, but I will finish you one day!” Johnny announced, and then jumped out the window, landing on the grass with a thud.

“You okay in here Destery?” Nathan asked as he opened the door, rubbing his eyes.

“No. Fan left me.” Destery replied, wiping away a tear.

“Maybe you can go out and get a real girlfriend now.” Nathan said as he shut the door and went back into his own room.

Destery, leaving the dead fan on the floor, went over and shut his window, making sure it was locked this time. Then, he went back to bed, where he dreamt of his dead fan.

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