Chapter 12

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Cole woke up at 5:00 am I was awake all night because I couldn't sleep dew to my deep thoughts .

" Hey livvy how would you feel about going to a pool party I guess you would call it " he said smirking at his last word .

" umm that seems fine . Who's party is it " I said in a questionable tone .

" Well it's um Ethan and Grayson Dolans party you've never met them though "

" ohh ok "

" Hey livvy what are you doing still up " he said worried

" Well I couldn't sleep " I respond lying

" are you sure that's why " he asked in a very questionable tone I could tell he knew I was lying .

" yep so good night " I quickly say and close my eyes and fake snore

All I heard was Cole giggling

I ended up falling fast asleep wrapped up in Coles arms .

~ 2:00 in the afternoon

" good morning sunshine " Cole says with a huge smile

" morning " I said in a grumpy tone . I was so tired I barley got any sleep .

" Well anyways you need a swimming suit for the party so would you like to go with Alex " Cole said batting his eyes .

" ohh yea " I said hitting my palm against my head

" Well get ready Alex will be waiting down stairs for you I have to go finish some business " he said twisting the last words

I nodded he left

I wonder what he met about business.

Coles prov

As I left me and Olivia's room I went down stairs to find Alex I spotted him

" Hey Alex try to persuade her on a one peice please "

Before I heard his response I ran out the door to go meet Hayes Grier.  I mostly visited him out of pitty I felt really bad for Hayes because he lost the love of his life he told me. I felt bad because if I ever lost Olivia I have no idea how I would cope .

~Cole and Hayes at and abandoned school

We ended up meeting at this abandoned school

" thanks Cole for helping me not cope but whatever this is " he said while his hands where shaking

I handed him the weed and said " you know there's much more different ways to cope like have a healthier lifestyle or such things pursue your dreams "

" yet I know that Cole but to be honest I really don't want to do anything I'm hoping that the toxins will break down my body eventually" he said with a devilish smirk .

" Oh that's so " I said

" what would you do if you could see this girl again " I said  not minding my own business

" Well probally ask her to marry me on the spot and never leave her side for as long as we both shall  live " he says chuckling at the last part .

We sat there talking and talking for hours .

Olivia's pov

~ at the mall

"Well the bo-- Cole said you could buy whatever your  heart desires  " he says smirking

" Well let's go"  I said pulling his arm

We first went on to find a bathing suit I went to Forever 21 and found the beatuful bikini it was mesh with red roses on it . Alex kept on telling my that the one peice looked better but I had my heart on the bikini a got a top in a medium the was black with roses so I could put it on top of my swim suit and got these fur slides to finish it .

I ended up draging Alex store to store when we were done I had about 20 to 24 bags .
When we got him Alex put it in my bedroom . After that he left down stairs I guessed .

Cole came and told me to get ready so I did .

Cole whore a a pair of swim trunks that were black and had a bandana pattern with red and he wore a red shirt and Nike slides

Alex came with us he whore bright yellow swim trunks and no shirt . Alex was pretty built he just had scares all over him they look liked they healed but also looked as if the inflicted pain on him . I was about to ask him but Cole was there and I didn't want to embarrass him like that .

We all went into a black lambo Cole decided he wanted to drive so me and Alex sat in the back . Cole had on a pair of headphone listening to God knows what so I decided it was a perfect time to ask .

"Hey Alex what happend to your stomach " I said with worried eyes .

" ohh I used to be in a gang that used to inflict pain on the gang members to prove your worthiness " he twisted the last word .

"Ohhh okay " I say not trying to pry in his life

The rest of the car ride was silent. 

~at the pool party

Me and Cole walk in hands locking whenever we did the I felt like a little school girl.  

We walk outside were the 'party' was . There was a huge pool no huge did not describe it. The pool was twice the size of an hotel pool .

Around the pool there was lots of man they looked very scary but they weren't that bad of a veiw . Almost everyone of the scary attractive males were kissing grabbing some big booty bitches .

Cole turned to me making a cringed face and imitated gagging I couldn't help but laugh .

We walk onto this shed and saw dude playing card games me and Cole sat at the table where they were they were playing cards .

" awww chucks Cole you brought me a party favor " I man said smirking at me

" Aww Ethan I wished I did but sadly no " Cole replied.

" soo Cole is she for sell or something " Ethan said with a twisted smile

Cole squeezed my hand under the table

" not today ethy" Cole responded with a sharp voice .

We started to play UNO then left .

~Coles house

As we were getting settled into our bed Cole turned around and took a deep gaze into my eyes .

" Hey livvy you wanna play a game " he said very attractive

" what game " I said with furrowed eyebrows. 

" it's called yes or no "

" ok "

" So Olivia would you like to move to Los Angeles with me "

"Yes" I said with a bright smile

" would you Olivia Ramirez be my girlfriend "

I looked confused for a second and then remembered me and Cole was never official

" Yes though I thought of us more than that " I said looking down

He cupped my face and brought it close to him and said " so do I but when your 20 I will then ask you to marry me then we will be bond togther "

I smiled very bright and started to giggle he pecked my cheek the started humming a the wedding March I soon drifted of to sleep

Sorry long chapter thinking of ending soon .

Kinda boring If you ask me

Love you guys thank for 44 reads when I saw that I cried

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