kid Gohan x human kid reader

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Requested by SONGOHAN-

This scene is where gohan and krillin goes to planet namek warning ill change a little bit

You where just a girl living a ordinary life in an ordinary place and ordinary family.......


you are not living a ordinary life because you live in a planet cauld namek where people well not actually people but they are called namekians, being thats skin are green and antennaes in there head wierd magic and stuff still you love it here yes you were a alien your adopted father Grand elder GURU adopted you since when he first sow you crashes here in the planet he already new you where going to crush here so he walks towards your ship that writtens 13XX SHIP then he sow the most unusual but very adorable baby smilling at him he question himself even though this child sow him for the first time she smilling happily towards him when he held the child she smiled at him and squill laughing happily he already made up his mind to adopt this child first the namekian people disagree but years gone by they accepted her and name her (y/n) for she is a happy and friendly namekian and daughter of the grand elder guru

(your route)

"dende!" i shouted at my brother he runs towards me and said "what is it sister?" he said happily look at him "i can fly now!" i said to him hovering upove him he smiled at me" thats great! Sister! Finally we can fly together!" i nod at him and held his hands

We've been fly for a awhile now then someone speak "finally flying (y/n)? For a fighter you just learned how to fly" i turn around to found the source of that voice and look down to see big brother  nail looking up to me "big brother nail!" i flew down together with dende and hug him he just pat my head and look at dende even though he deosent give affection that much hes the most closes brother you got well except dende and cargo"dende grand elder guru wants to talk to you" he said making dende nod and walk besides him "i'll return later!" i shouted at them they both nod at me i continue to fly

"this is the best!!!" i shouted i look down to see a wierd creature besides the water and landed perfectly i walk towards him and speak"who are you state your bussiness!" i said then this creature look at me "w-what?" this creature he looks a little bit like me"who are you" i said looking at him confidently stood and glaring at him "im gohan nice to meet you" he said and gave out his hand i just tillted my head "never heard a hand shake before?" he said i just sigh "my people dont do those things" i said then he retrieded hes hands and scrutch his hair i just sigh and smiled at him he deosent seem to harm

"you deosent seem to be a bad guy im (y/n) nice to meet you too gohan" i smiled at him hes face turn Red and i tilted my head again "your face is turning red gohan"i said he just shake his head "its nothing its nothing!!! So (y/n)-san what are you doing here?" he said i layed down at the ground and answerd him "i lived here in this planet called namek and im from the dragon clan" i said to him and he nod "im from the planet called earth and im a human and you do seem like a human more than a namek (y/n)-san" he said i nod i explain to him how im not a namek and how my father grand elder guru adopted me "well you seem like a human and i cant sence a saiyan blood from you" i tilted my head "sai-saiyon what now?" i said he sweat drops

"saiyan they are a race that all i can say to you im kind of quesrioning that to hehehe" he said and laugh i just smiled at him i found him cute like that "tell me gohan are you alone when you got here?" he shake his hands "im with someone im staying here and wait for him" he said i nod then silent took over us

The silence that took over is not that wierd or bad its very warm... And kind.... Then u sow gohan looking at me i tilted my head "is there something at my face?" i said hes face turn to red i smiled at him and giggle "w-what??" he said i iggle again"your kind of cute when your face turn red!" i said between giggles hes face turn More redder "you now gohan we just meet but you make me laugh so much!" i said to him he just sigh and smiled at me then my heart pump hard what is this feeling? I said in my mind my face got warmer every second i new for sure my face turned red i look at him he looks at me and i turn aroud facing the other side same has him them this silence are not like the other one this one is very awkwuard

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