sour x demon reader

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Reslquested by LeonV21


Thats what god of destruction heles said when she was looking at the attendants staff where the black clothed woman covering her face sitting on a rock

"im i right sour?" heles look at her right to see sour standing besides her

The man close his eyes and nod making heles smile at him"an ugly demon such as her self sitting on a coldy rock in a abondon place where theres no one can talk too such an ugly sight indeed thank goodness you finaly broke up with her you finaly sow how ugly she was"she scoff and stood up walking towards her quarters leaving the tall handsome man but the god of destruction doesn't know that shes been glaring daggers at her by his attendant

"were still together lady heles"he said he took one glance of his staff and said "and shes beyong ugly lady heles a rare beauty that cant even put into words" he sow her removing her hoody revealing the beauty of the woman that he fell in love with he grip his staff making the scenery gone he smiled to himself

"what a sight she is" he said smilling and disappeard making his plans visit his lover tomorrow

(next day)

He flew towards where his lover at There she is sitting on the edge of the cliff back facing him then he heard a sigh "feeling bored my love?" he said making the woman turn around standing up with a face of happiness drawn in her when she sow him


Shouted the woman sour cant help but smile a little and fell more deeply in love with her. Her voice are so enchanting even she has the blood of a demon

The woman run towards him and ingulf him with a hug "i miss you!" she said making sour give her the same treatment

They both walk towards the forest and stop at the waterfall and sit down chatting well the most talking is the woman

He cant help but stare at her she has pointy ears smooth (s/c) body kissable pinkish lips pink hue of the cheeks and the most beautiful of all the (e/c) colored eyes he deosent understand why they called her ugly is it because shes a demon? Unlike those heartless demon shes different well shes strong and fierce but she not like those barbaric demon

"sour? Are you listening?"

Them man jolted a little and look at his lover " yes love?" he said  the woman sigh and look at him "your spacing out sour thats unlikely of you, you never space out like that is there something wrong?" the woman said making a worried face

He just look at her and said "theres nothing to be worried about (y/n)" but the woman isn't convince "im worried about you sour you never called me by my name unless its an important matter" she said

(sours route)

She really does read me like a book he said in his head "look love theres really nothing to worry about really there isn't" i said kissing her forhead making (y/n) smile i did also

"Besides is it wrong for me to call your name?" i said she just shake her head "good" i stand up "where your going?" she said i look at her "lady heles is calling me im sorry love but i must go ill visit you next time" i said she smiled and hug me "ok be carefull" i look at her and grap her hand and kiss it "ill be back love" i let her go and flew away towards the main house

(no particular route)

When sour landed on heles mansion he sow lady heles with Brianne de cheatou "welcome brianne-san" sour said making the two look at him "where have you gone sour?" said lady heles " wait lady heles we've invite you to come to a party from our planet" said brianne making the goddess of destruction alugh happily "ohh! Beautiful brianne thats such a lovely offer!" said lady heles

( time skip)

They where are the planet where they held the party sour was silently sitting at a chair while lady heles is chatting with those other beautiful fighter that she called

Then suddenly kakunsan one of the kamekaze fireball team pointed and shouted at sour

"you smell like that wrench!" she said but sour slowly look at her  "excuse me?" he said calmly

"you smell like that demon! The ugly demon!" she said making sour close his eyes almost speak but was cut off by lady heles  "thats impossible sour already bro-" she dint completed her sentence becuase sour cut her off "im sorry lady heles but i dint broke up with her" said sour making heles wide eyes "thats outrageous! You still! With her!? The ugly!-" she was cut off again by sour

"i do appriciate not calling my lover ugly for she is not that" he said making all of the being shock of him then suddenly brianne talk "y-your! A-angel! a-and she a d-demon!! You both should not be together!" she shouted

Sour just sit there listening to there complain but he doesn't care he wont give up on you

Then he remember you smiling at him he was happy that you where happy you where perfect in his eyes the perfect being that he lay his eyes on then he open his eyes looking at all the beings with no care what's so ever and said

"no matter what you being says i will not give up on my love for her and i do appreciate if you stop calling her ugly and making an excuse for using my statues and hers so we cant be together" he said and look at heles

"heles-sama i will be gone for a while please excuse me" he said and left not waiting his goddess replay

He flew towards on where his lover is and sow her again sitting on a rock holding a flower close to her face

Her image makes her look more beautiful in his eyes he dint even realise he was smilling and he even also dint realise that he was changing little by little the once so called cold hearted and serious intelligent angel sour is smilling and losing his composture becuase of a mere demon

"i know you're there sour"

She said making sour walk up to her "your early " she said looking at him making sour look at her and grap her chin and kiss her deeply making the woman shock and kiss him back and moun in their kiss then he makes a bold move by groping her ass making (y/n) jolted a bit making her off guard sour takes his chance and push his tangue inside her mouth exploring her carviern when the heated session was ended (y/n) look at him blushing and panthing hard

"whats this~? Making a bold move~ thats unlikely of you sour~..... changing a bit?" she said seductivly making the man smirk at her he wisper to her ear and said "well a specific demon change me well" making the woman giggle and  kiss her again

"no matter what everyone says your perfect in my eyes"

And also mine


Finaly finiah sorry for the wrong spelling and grammar im sorry if its wierd and its not his kind of personality i cant get it right expecially if the character is not having much of screen time

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