Chapter Two

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"Hey, honey. How was your tutoring session?"

"Eh, it was okay. He just helped me with my homework, that's it." Lie. I hate lying to my mother.

"Oh, well that's good. Hopefully, you can bring your grade up." Not with Harry around.

"Yeah, hopefully."

"So. What do you want for dinner, sweetie?"

"Um. Whatever. Will dad be here?"

"Okay. I'll just order some pizza. I don't feel like cooking tonight. And, no. He just called me before he got home." She said and looked down.

"That's fine. What did he say?"

"Um. That he'll be gone for two months. On a business trip to Japan," she whispered.

"Again? He just got back from a business trip!" I yell.

"They're launching a new company in Japan, obviously."

"So, he's just going to leave. Again?"

"He left about an hour ago. I'm sorry, honey."

"No. It's fine," I say then walk upstairs. "I'll be down for supper, later." She nods and I walk into my room, flopping down on my bed. My phone starts ringing, and I check the caller ID. 'Natalie.' Why is she calling me? I shrug, and answer.


"Hey, babe. How did it go?" I sigh, not wanting to tell her. "You know you have to tell me, Kelsey. I care about you."

"I know. It's just. He's gotten more violent and I'm really scared."

"Oh my gosh. Please tell me what happened."

"He-he pushed me down on the floor to begin with. And then I s-said something, and he got really p-pissed off, and slapped me."

She gasped. "He's never done that before, though! Kels, you need to tell someone."

"That's not all."

"Kelsey. What else did he do?"

"He, uhm. He said he's not through with me. N-not even close."

"KELSEY! You have to tell someone about him! Before it gets worse!"

"You know I can't, Natalie. You remember what he told me."

"Yeah, yeah. You're not supposed to tell anyone or else. I understand, but Kels, he could really hurt you."

"I know, and I'm scared." She sighs, and doesn't say anything for a minute.

"Look, just stay away from him. Don't get in his way. At all."

"It's kinda hard when he lives in front of you and we both walk to school." Yes, the boy who hurts me everyday lives across the road from me. It's like, fate doesn't like me or something.

"I know, babe. I wish I could pick you up. But you know my parent's rules. Nobody else in the car."

"It's fine, Natalie. I can manage."

"KELSEY! DINNER!" My mom yelled.

"Hey, I have to go. I got to eat. I'll talk to you tomorrow, yeah?" I say.

"Yeah. Be careful, babe. Love you."

"Love you, too," I say then hang up and walk downstairs.

"What kind of pizza did you get?"

"Cheese!" I roll my eyes. My mom loves cheese pizza. It's kind of unhealthy, but she doesn't care. "Kelsey?" My mom asks.


"You know the Styles, right?" I nod my head, not liking where this is going. "Well, me and Anne have been getting along really well, and she invited us to go on holiday with them. Since Christmas coming up in two weeks and you have a break. So what do you say?"

"I guess. If you want to. I don't care."

"Okay. I'll tell Anne. And you and Harry will have to share a room." I widen my eyes, shocked. "I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. But we couldn't get an extra room."

"Uh, it's okay. I'll be fine."

She nods her head, saying, "Okay. Well, we're leaving next week. So be packed and ready. Pack enough for two weeks." 

"Two weeks? Why that long?"

"Well, Harry is going out for the X-Factor, so they made the trip longer to have more time with him."

"Oh. Okay. I didn't know he sang."

"Yeah. He's amazing. He has talent."

"Oh." I take the last bite of my pizza and say, "I'm going to take a shower and work on my homework."

"Okay. Don't stay up to late."

"I won't," I say and walk upstairs into my bathroom. I get into my hot shower and just stand there, thinking.

Why does Harry hate me? Why am I the only he hurts? Why do I have to on a trip with him and share a room? Why does the trip have to be two weeks? Will he hurt me on the trip? Will he pretend to like me? And what is he going to do tomorrow? All these questions run through my head that I didn't notice the water turn cold. I quickly shampoo and condition, then shave. I step out, and I look like a freaking prune. Awesome. I wrap my towel around me and walk into my room. Grabbing my pj's, I quickly slip them on, and see my phone lighting up. 'Harry.' Damn, I forgot I had his number. I slowly open the text, scared.

'My mom just told me about the trip. You better act like nothing has ever happened between us and that we're friends. Got it?'

I sigh, but reply anyways. 'Whatever.' I slip into bed with my book, and plug my phone up. I start reading and after a few minutes, my phone lights up again.

'I'm being fucking serious, Pierce.'

I roll my eyes. 'Look, okay. I'll act like we're friends. Don't get pissed off. Anger management maybe?' I turn back to my back only to feel my phone vibrate. 'Harry.' Why is he calling me? I answer anyways.

"What, Harry?"

"You know you wouldn't say that to my face. Getting cocky over a text, Pierce?"

"Maybe I would. You really do need anger management. And, it's not getting cocky. I'm just saying the truth."

"Whatever, Pierce. See you at school tomorrow," he chuckled, then hung up. Well. I'm going to die tomorrow. Goodbye world. I know he's pissed off. I sigh, and close my eyes, really tired. I fall asleep within minutes, thinking of what he'll do tomorrow.


Short chappy. Sorry. Having a hard time writing, I know it sucks. :( And I know in the first chapter it said they still have a couple weeks of school. But I just had this idea, and I really like it. So, sorry if there's any confusion. This week is their last week before Christmas break.. SOO sorry.

-Ashleigh xx

P.S I'm going to change the first chapter to match this, so there will be no more confusion. (:

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