Chapter Four

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Walking into the classroom, I saw Harry leaning against the wall, texting. When I shut the door, he looked up and held his finger up saying 'one second.' I nod my head, and he finishes his text while I sit down in my chair. After a minute, he comes and sits down next to me.

"Alright, Pierce. Let's get through this tutoring thing." I nod and he takes my textbook and tries to explain what I need to know for my test Friday. After twenty minutes of his useless attempts at trying to teach me, I just slam my textbook closed and lean back in the chair, sighing.

"Harry, it's useless. I just can't get science."

He rubs his hands down his face and says, "Look, we'll try tomorrow, Kelsey. Right no we have to get to detention." I groaned and he smirks. "Not a big fan of detention?"

"Hell no." He laughs and I grab my stuff and follow him out the door. Well, try to follow him. He suddenly stops and run into his back.

"Really, Harry? Why-" I shut up when I see Mr. Moore standing in the door frame, looking at me. "Oh. Hi, Mr. Moore."

"Hello, Miss Pierce. How is the tutoring going?" I open my mouth to tell him it's useless, but Harry cuts me off before I even start.

"It's going great. I think she'll be ready for her test Friday." Liar. Mr. Moore nods.

Good, good. What about the two of you? Have you worked out your differences?" I snort, shaking my head. "I take that as a no?" We nod our heads, and he sighs. "I will never understand why you two hate each other." Neither will I Mr. Moore. Harry's just hated me since middle school. "I hear you both got detention?" We nod our heads again, and he rolls his eyes. "Well, go, get! Don't be late!" He walks away and we quickly head to the library where detention is being held. When we get there, the teacher automatically tells us to sit down. We do as we're told and he tells us to be quiet and that he'll be back later to check on us, then walks out.

"You know it's your fault we're in here, right?" I ask Harry.

"No, it wasn't. You we're the one who decided to curse out loud in front of Coach." I roll my eyes, and mutter 'stupid prick' under my breath. Obviously, I said it too loud, because Harry turned to me and said, "What'd you say?"

"Oh, nothing," I say, smiling innocently.

He grins evilly. "You know, the teacher won't be back for about thirty minutes. Maybe we can have a little fun?" My eyes widen and I back away from him a little bit.

"How about no?" I ask, shakily.

"Aw. Is ickle Kelsey scared?" He said in a baby voice, leaning closer to me.

"N-no." Damn it, Kelsey! Why'd you stutter?

He smirked. "Then why did you stutter, Kels? Hmm?"

"Umm. I d-don't know." Damn it, Kelsey. Pull it together!

His smirk grew larger, if that was possible. He leaned closer to me, so now he was practically breathing on my face.

"I know you're scared, Kels." His breathe was on my lips and I tried to back away, but he just kept closer, smirking the whole time. I quickly stood up and took a few steps away from him. He looked up at me, pouting.

"Aw, Kelsey. Why did you do that? You don't want to kiss me?"

I shake my head. "No." He starts laughing, and I looked at him confused.

"Calm down. I wasn't going to kiss you. I just wanted to get you riled up. Which I did." He smirked proudly and stood up.

"Bastard," I say. He looked down at me. Damn, I hated being short. Only being 5'5, he was a good five inches taller than me.

"What was that, Pierce?" He asked, taking a step towards me. I took one back, and he took one forward. This happened a couple more times, before I felt my back hit the wall. Well, shit. He smirked, and put his hands on the wall beside my head. Double shit.

"So, Pierce, what'd you say?"

I gulped. "Um, n-nothing."

"You sure about that?" I nodded, slowly. "Well, I know I don't have problems with my hearing. And I know you called me a very mean name. That hurts, Pierce. I thought we were past the name calling?"

"Obviously not, Styles." I say, somehow regaining my voice and not stuttering.

"Well, you know what I think? I think-" he gets cut off by the teacher coming in and yelling at us.

"Get back in your seats. NOW! Just for that, you have detention again tomorrow." I groan.

"Please, not tomorrow. I was going to go dress shopping with Natalie tomorrow." The teacher sighs, but nods.

"Fine. You will serve it Thursday. Harry, you will still serve tomorrow." I smile, but Harry frowns. He mumbles a 'fine' and we walk back to our seats. The teacher leaves after a few minutes, leaving us alone again. I put my head down on my desk, and try to sleep through the rest of detention. And I mean try. I really couldn't with Harry always messing with me. Pulling my hair, throwing paper at me, poking me. And then, after a few minutes of me not lifting my head up, he pushes me out of my chair. I look up at him, shocked.

"What the hell was that for?" I yell. He smirked.

"I got bored."

"Really, Harry?" I ask, standing up and rubbing my butt from where I fell.

He just smirks. I check my phone and realize we only have five more minutes of detention.

"Yes!" I scream, and Harry looks at me like I'm crazy. "We only have five more minutes in here." I tell him. He nods and looks at the wall. I sit down in my chair and decide to check my Twitter. Nothing new there. I go to my Facebook and see Natalie messaged me. "Hey, you okay?" I reply, "Yep. Nothing happened."

I put my phone in my bag, just as the teacher came in and told us we could leave. I grabbed my stuff and walked out, with Harry close behind me.

"Pierce!" I turn around see Harry walking to me.


He smirks. "We're having dinner together. Tonight, at my house."

"What? Why? Why am I just finding out?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. My mum just texted me. Told me to tell you."

I groan. "Ugh. Fine." I start to walk away, and I hear him following me. I put my headphones in my ears, and Harry does the same. We get to our houses in minutes and I tell him I'll see him soon before walking into my house. I slam the door shut and trudge up to my room, and started getting ready for this dreaded dinner.


Yay! Chapter four! (: Thanks for reading.

-Ashleigh xx

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