A Long Walk

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E- Ethan

Y/n- Your name

E: how r u

y- good i guess

E: you don't seem fine

y- i guess im not

E: What is it? Spill the tea

y- Zach kissed me. the day after we got home from the show.

E: What?!

E: wait .. you didn't want him to kiss you

y- No!. we're just friends. we're nothing more. I just want to be friends. 

E: oh. You should talk to him. 

y- yeah

*end of walk*

I opened the door to Zach's house. My mom was back home so I wanted to go home. I walked up to his room. He was sitting on his bed scrolling through his phone. I grabbed my duffel bag which was by his window. Our rooms were right acroos from each other. I opened his window and climbed out of his house and into our tree house. Our treehouse connect both of our houses. Before I climbed out, I told him to meet me in the treehouse at 10. 

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