Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Emilia Stark

I had been trying to calm down for the past hour, but nothing seemed to be working. I didn’t want to go home if my eyes were red. I hadn’t been able to stop the tears from falling.

The only image that kept playing in my mind was Damien with another girl.

My head was resting on the steering wheel when a knock on the window made me jump.


He was looking in through the window. His forehead was creased and he looked concerned.

I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to hug him and never let him go. If he was with me, there was no way he could go away and be with another girl. As soon as I thought of what he’d been doing just before getting here, I felt the anger within me.

My Wolf growled at him. He’d been with another girl and now he was here. At the same time, I couldn’t exactly be mad at him. Damien and I- we weren’t together. If anything, we were strangers. The only time we had ever talked before was the day we met, when I was disturbing his lunch.

Damien walked toward the passenger side of the car. When he pulled at the handle, he was met with the locked door.

“Open up,” he ordered.

I resented that, but I did as he said.

I was being stupid for letting him be here. But my Wolf wanted him near us.

As soon as he got in the car, his intoxicating scent hit me. I closed my eyes, and breathed in his scent. It was enough to calm me down.

“Why are you crying?” Damien asked, turning his body toward me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him. My voice sounded hoarse, and I hated that. It was then when I thought of how horrible I must’ve look.

When I looked at the mirror up top, I noticed my hair was all over the place and my face was red and blotchy.

It was even worse that Damien looked perfect. His smug dark denim jeans matched his dark gray shirt. His straight longish hair was messily styled. For some reason, that made him look even better.

“I was going to the store and saw you here, crying,” Damien said, sounding uncomfortable. He looked away from me. I noticed that his arms were flexed, which made his muscles stand out. I would’ve gotten distracted by that, if it weren’t for how bothered he looked.

“Is something wrong?” I asked, reaching out for him.

“Why were you crying?” Damien asked again, turning to face me.

I snatched my hand back. I hadn’t gotten a chance to touch him. I wanted to. I was sure that when I did, I would feel the tingly sensation I did last time we touched.

“It hasn’t been a good day,” I answered.

I couldn’t exactly tell him the reason I was crying was because he was with another girl. It wouldn’t make sense to him, and I would probably freak him out.

I grabbed a band, and fixed up my hair in a messy ponytail. My tears were dried up. In the mirror, I could tell my eyes would be rimmed in red for a while.

I was definitely not looking my best.

Damien was looking at me. His gaze was intense and it was making me feel nervous. I wanted so bad to know what he was thinking, but of course, that was impossible.

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